Markham Cornoit

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since Feb 15, 2012
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Recent posts by Markham Cornoit

Most freezers seems to have really thick insulation...I've looked on google and there are some pretty efficient refrigerators out there. Look for the "energy star" rated ones...if you stay with a reasonable size they will work well in a off grid solar set far as I'm concerned.
12 years ago
Hey.....I am going to buy a new compressor. Thinking of buying this spiral compressor. Can you please provide some more information about this compressor ? Looking forward for your reply.
12 years ago
I have an high pressure air conditioner and it was mounted in space that was the attic. The problem I have is the vibration it creates in the ceiling below. Unless your air compressor is very smooth running all of that vibration is going to be transferred to your ceiling. Possibly after a few days of running your shop will be covered with all the dust that was clinging to the ceiling. Heat issues would rule it out for me.
12 years ago
Hey...I have recently installed a water pump and I just want to know it's flowing capacity. How can we calculate it?
12 years ago
The compressor is one of the most important components in a refrigeration system. It controls the regulation of refrigerant through the unit. 
12 years ago
Hello Everyone. Has anyone come across a system which can run off hot water and produce air conditioning for a house ? Looking forward for your reply. Thanks.
12 years ago
Does anyone have a plan for a serious ram pump that will lift water a serious distance? The only one that I have been able to find on the net was one that failed against any serious height. Thanks. 
12 years ago
I am thinking of getting a rain barrel, but before I spend the money I'd like to know what to expect in terms of savings. Anyone have real life experience?
12 years ago
Thanks for the info. After reading here I concur: it will be prudent to build a basic unit first. A buddy is going to do a rocketstove workshop here at my shop at the end of this month.
12 years ago
A wind generator with 3 phase output connected through a control panel to the ordinary 3 phase motor without battery, inverter is a true water pumping arrangement for a farmer who is blessed with 6-10 hours wind near him farm and well.
12 years ago