Shad Qudsi

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since Mar 23, 2012
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Shad Qudsi has 15 years experience in organic and commercial gardening and farming. He is certified in Permaculture Design and has over 6 years experience in holistic site development and homesteading. Shad originally set out to study mathematics and work in big business, but long ago had a change of heart. He can now be found dancing in his garden in Tzununa. Aside from all of this, Shad is an enthusiastic teacher who truly believes in the work he is doing. Human resiliency cannot be erased from the landscape and now, it is coming back with a gentle loving caress.
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Tzununa, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
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Recent posts by Shad Qudsi

Why Free Range Fails

Composting Chickens Illustrated (e)Book and learn the alternatives to free range - Digital Download


From the good folks over at

Here is the deal. People love to talk about free range this and that. "Oh, my hens have soo much free range."    

How many people have been in this situation:

PERMIE FRIEND: Hey, you want to come check out my chickens?

ME: Sure, I love chickens. Cluck Cluck!  

We pass through a lush meadow with a rich, functioning ecosystem towards the 'free range' chickens yard. As we approach, there is a strong fowl smell.  

PERMIE FRIEND: Here they are! They have this WHOLE area to free range. Surely there is at least a 1/4 acre fenced in here for only 20 hens. That is way less than the recommended free range space.

ME: True. But why does it smell and how come there are so many bald patches? It looks like there is much less vegetation and what is left has its roots all scratched bare.

It had just rained and there are standing muck puddles around, flavoured with chicken turds.  

PERMIE FRIEND: You know, its true. This chicken area is pretty worn down. And its kind of gross to come out here after rains. Its also dusty when it gets real dry.

ME: MY friend, I am sorry to tell you, but your chickens have destroyed the actve decay cycle. And we need to act fast to solve this once and for all!  

Uncontrolled Free Range will always lead to the breakdown of active decay cycles over time. This means sad land and sad chickens. Then sad you.  

It doesnt matter the size of your free range. Even if they have no fence at all, if the hens have a stationary house and unlimited access to range, they will over-use the area all around the house, and under-use all the far lying sweet spots.

But rest assured. The Super Sweet Composting Chickens Illustrated eBook has everything you need to get right with the chickens. Simple principles of the chicken ninjas, long forgotten, can be yours again!

The Composting Chicken Illustrated eBook and accompanying resources provides THREE alternatives to free range, that enable people anywhere, to keep happy healthy hens.

The Free Range Alternatives provide solutions for
- The homesteader looking to improve their chicken set up and integrate it more richly into the other activities
- The suburban or urban ninja who cant provide any outdoor access to hens
- Anyone who is also interested in compost. And come on, who isnt?
- Super fun for kid or adults of any age. print it out and share it around!

This Illustrated eBook is a fun and creative way to demonstrate the MOST IMPORTANT DESIGN PARAMETERS you will ever need to know about chickens

What others are saying:

"The information in it is very understandable and well explained. It explains the basics of composting and the reasons behind their methods really well. I will definetly be applying this knowledge to my chicken-keeping!" Nicole

"This will totally change the way I manage my hens. Super great info on the failure points of free range systems, which most people dont talk about. I am looking forward to trying the rotated yard alternatively, which is clearly explained in the book with loads of great illustrations." Colleen

BUY NOW and get the Illustrated Intro to Permaculture Notepack for Free!

What you get:
- Composting Chicken Illustrated eBook
- COMPLIMENTARY Illustrated Intro to Permaculture Notepack

Want more?  Check out the whole course at!


7 years ago

Tracy Wandling wrote:Whew! Long day of testing, fixing, linking, unlinking, relinking, changing images, and generally working on getting the digital market threads tip top and ready to roll. I think I've got my head around how everything works now!

The affiliate stuff is great, and Paul is very generous. So, all you folks with websites and blogs - get on this bandwagon! You just might get a little trickle of money coming in, with no work except to pop in some links. Ask me if you need help figuring out the affiliate stuff.

It's a great system, and I'm pretty tickled to be a part of making it happen.

I am interested in learning more about the Affiliate Program, i.e. driving my traffic to your digital market. How do I get more info. Thanks a lot. Shad
7 years ago
for hens that are aggressive foragers, composting under them is amazing. We give them a minimum of 70cm of compost and have a capacity to hold 1m40cm high of compost directly under the chickens. This is real time composing and everything gets thrown in. Check it out here:  
8 years ago
Check out this video on how to design and manage a real deep bedding composting chicken house.  
8 years ago
Great video on likely the best chicken coop design for a stationary house with optional access to range. It's all about building a compost pile under your chickens and maintaining it to yield compost in real time while maintaining happy healthy hens.  
8 years ago
Here's a good video on how to kill a chicken with all the steps explained.  

Hope this helps!
8 years ago
***Join IMAP and Atitlan Organics in Guatemala for the 2013 Permaculture Design Certificate Course***

Instituto Meso-America de Permacultura (IMAP) and Atitlan Organics are excited to announce their annual Permaculture Certification Course, which takes place in beautiful Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, from December 1st through 15th, 2013. This exciting 120+ hour, 15 day course covers, in detail, the full standard PDC curriculum laid out by the International Permaculture Institute and is the only recognized certification course in Guatemala.

The course offers students the opportunity to work on two separate permaculture development sites in order to obtain more diversified experiences. The first week takes place at the IMAP farm, which is in San Lucas and has a focus on community development, alternative technology/building, small-scale food production, and seed saving techniques. The second week will be held at Atitlan Organics, with a focus on food forest establishment, pond building, animal systems, and profitable permaculture models. Aside from these topics, water management, soil fertility, natural building, fermentation/value adding, and many other areas will be covered in detail. Electronic and printed materials (including the Permaculture Design Manual) will be given to all attendees.

Aside from the classroom and theoretical work, there will be many opportunities for hands-on learning. Tree planting, swaling, mulching, and other techniques will be practiced regularly and the course, like all PDCs, will include a student design project that is required for successful completion. Students will also take part in meal preparation via harvesting and value adding a number of diverse food from the farms. For those interested, there is also a workshop on animal harvesting, and all students are given the chance to process their own chicken.

We are really excited about this course and feel that it is one of the few courses that truly gives students the knowledge and understanding to go forth and execute sustainable permaculture designs that not only care for the planet, but also provide a healthy and happy livelihood for the practitioners, their families, and their communities.

For more info, please visit: where you can find course details, FAQ, and the sign up page.
Permaculture Course in Guatemala - December 3rd, 2012

Instituto Mesoamericano de Permaculture (IMAP), along with Atitlan Organics are offering a course this December at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala

More info here:

IMAP- Atitlan Organics 2012 PDC in Lake Atitlan

I apologize for the shameless pitch, but when I search around for Permaculture Design Certificate courses on google, this forum and outdated announcement, is the only decent thing that comes up.

IMAP, which usually offers courses in Spanish, IMAP has collaborated with Atitlan Organics to offer a PDC this winter, in English. Course runs from December 3rd through 15th and people who sign up before November st save $200.