eric torral

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since Apr 18, 2012
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Recent posts by eric torral

I have grown peach trees from seed (i mean pits) and my experience has shown me that the fruit produced by this tree will be the same as the peach from whence it came. I have grown 5 or six peach trees this way. Your mileage from other fruit may vary.
8 years ago

Here's what I did at the end of last winter. Surround the stove with solid bricks. I noticed a huge difference in heat given off by the stove. Just piled them up on the sides and at the back...

12 years ago

Roy Clarke wrote:I just stacked bricks around three sides of mine, touching the casing. it took around 40 bricks for a single layer. I could put another layer round it. It keeps the room warm for longer once it's all warmed up, and the comfort is better. I didn't put anything on top as the kettle has to sit somewhere.

Roy, any chance of a picture? thanks
12 years ago

R wannabe wrote:Rocks, urbanite, cob--anything that can be stacked and not burn. A good metal drum filled with water placed in the corner would hold a TON of heat for cheap.

Whatever you do, make sure the floor can hold the weight.

No problems with the floor and wright.

So, lots of mass... but not with a complete surround of the stove? And with no direct touching connection to the stove?
12 years ago