Hello gents
I am interested in this too as I can't have a rocket-mass heater due to planning regulations. I see you have a kettle atop your bricks, Eric - does it boil or just stay warm? I like to keep my kettle singing on there when possible. Also, please can you let me know if it means you come into a warm room in the morning? This is one of the things about rocket-mass
heaters that appeals to me most as I have to creep down and start the fire. We have conventional heating in our house so we usually have it on for an hour or so in the morning, then decamp to the warm rooms for most of the day, but this would reduce our need to heat the kitchen in the morning possibly?
I did think about making a lump of cob big
enough to sit inside the "oven" (not really an
oven) of our stove, to act as a storage heater.
http://www.clearviewstoves.com/pioneeroven.htm. I guess I'd need more than that, perhaps one on top too, but the sides are so cleverly made as radiators that I'm not sure I can obstruct them.
Thanks for any help!