Hi everyone
Im new to this forum, posted a similar post yesterday but i have made development today on my
I went about seeing if i could create a miniature working model of this burner i want to make, anyway i will cut straight to it, it didnt work. However this has not phased me and i am still going to continue onto the larger version, i do however have a couple of questions for anyone out there who has made any type of
Rocket mass heater. (i have also added a couple of photos of my model as i think it looks pretty cool.
Will this model, scaled up actually work?
has anybody done this before?
what sorts of temperature do you get out of these rocket mass
how could i make it better?
ok so this model, the green tube is insulation for the inner tube (in the large version this will be an outer tube filled with insulation for the inner tube, its made out of copper pipe and 2 tin cans.
i could get a good suction going and it would burn outside of the tube and suck all of the flame in so there was a powerful suction there, but i think that is the problem, with it being such small scale it could not handle this amount of air rushing through and it just blew the flame out, also i do not think that there was
enough space to burn anything there (maybe if if i double the size of the copper piping i would get it to burn but to be honest i'm not that bothered about a mini version of a
rocket stove)
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Thanks for looking and any feedback is greatly appreciated