Mary Ann Asbill

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since Jul 23, 2012
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Recent posts by Mary Ann Asbill

Thank you!  I did not see the Permies section.  Thank you for showing it to me.  I do not have a question right now.  I am helping a young man who recently took a job where he will be responsible for several wells with a variety of pumps and pressure tanks.  He is going to learn about the basics from online sites so he will be better prepared once there is a problem. Thank you.  
2 years ago
I am looking for online sites that teach "how to" repair well pumps and pressure tanks. Or even a site that teaches about basics re a well pump or pressure tank. Does anyone know of a site you like especially a forum type where one could ask questions about pumps and pressure tanks?  I am helping a young person collect sites to learn about pumps, pressure tanks, water lines, etc.  Even basic learning "how to" sites would help.  Thank you
I did try just googling but it keeps showing me businesses selling things.
2 years ago
Thank you.  I might give the boards a try in one area.  My kids decided to build more frames around  other beds.  Thank you.  
6 years ago
I have a stack of pine boards that are partly rotten.  I need to outline garden beds and am thinking about laying board down flat to outline the beds plus that would suppress weeds around the beds? Or is that asking for snails and other trouble?  
6 years ago
I was not sure where to post this.  Pleases feel free to copy / paste and / or move the post.  Please share and pass the word.  Thank you.  

Emerald Spring Farm is located near Tryon, North Carolina

Posting for a FRIEND. I cannot answer any questions. Contact Bill Barker below. Thank you. “I am beginning to wonder if it might be time to consider retiring from my retirement job, aquaponics and farming. Although this may be the continued short-term consequences of last month's concussion, I am thinking I should consider my options. So if you hear of someone interested in an aquaponics business please send them my way! “ Bill Barker
Thank you! That is a good start.
8 years ago
I need free online web site with a video or instructions about taking care of a gravel country road. It is not for me. I have successfully taken care of our roads for 15 years. The challenge is a "neighbor" who refuses to believe the road must have drainage ditches on sides for water runoff. She keeps sending her yard-man (with tractor) to fill in the drainage ditches! I need to find good online sources to share with her in order to show her how the roads need to be maintained for proper draining of the water. Thank you.
8 years ago
Thank you. I am trying emails and phone calls but, so far, very few people reply! Yes, they may be civil employees but, maybe they are too busy. I only heard from two, so far,
and both said they did not know! Thanks. I will keep plugging away.
11 years ago
To clarify what I am working on: I am making a state by state list of laws re the collection of wild foods including mushrooms plus the state laws about selling wild foods including mushrooms. I am working on it by "google" searches and it would help greatly if anyone here can share the laws they know for their own state or a link to a regulating authority. Thank you if anyone can help with this work.
11 years ago