posted 11 years ago
I will suggest the old fashioned method of calling the dept in each state that regulates food sales.
Or, maybe even emailing the folks in each state's food/health dept with your question.
Sometimes the Ag dept has a say too.
Maybe other depts depending on state e.g. Department of Natural Resources
My guess is that every state has some laws re: this.
Make sure to ask what the statute #(s) is/are for collection and sale of wild procured foods.
It might help to specify if you are only interested in wild-collected plants vs. animals -- if that is the case.
If the person doesn't know offhand, they can easily email you the link(s).
As they are civil servants, I would make them do the leg work for you as much as possible.
I have also searched for similar info regarding food sales, not always easy to locate on google.
I found the info (not what you need), but for clarification of the "grey" areas, I called health dept.
When I called, I got answers really quickly and the people were more than helpful.
There may even be "food sources" labeled as noxious/invasive weeds. This might lead to some strange grey areas of the law if the plants aren't allowed to be sold.
But if you "manage" those plants . . .?
I think email is the easiest way, mass email with bcc for every state -- if no response, call.
Set up email filter by state to sort your responses.
That's my 2 cents.
A lot of things come out of nowhere, so look everywhere.