Hey there! I am 100% vegan in my diet, and I cook almost everything from scratch. No "junk food" and I keep everything low fat. The effect this has had on my life is something I can't even begin to put into words.
"Vegan" is a bit of a loaded word. I wish that it weren't. I tend to call myself plant-based because "real vegans" are offended that I really only pay attention to it diet-wise. But, I'm all about keeping animals on your property and using them for dual purposes - "earning their keep" if you will. Give them a good life, use their poop or their wool or their amazing digestive capabilities, whatever. That's cool. But nope, I'm not interested in eating animals or their products. Not even organic or free range. I know people will be up in arms over this, but really - animal protein has been damaging to my health and there's no way I'm going back, thanksverymuch.
I'm personally surprised that more permaculture folks aren't plant-based in their diets, because life becomes so simple when you don't need to raise animals to eat. You immediately lower the number of animals you'd need overall, for one, and that means fewer resources, time, and energy devoted to their care. I think if I had to choose animals to keep, it'd be pigs, chickens, and sheep. Possibly a horse or two if the property was quite large. Pigs for their ability to chew up icky land and turn it into awesome land (and because I LOVE PIGS!!), chickens for their ability to keep fruit flies from decimating fruit populations and for their great manure, and sheep because I'd love to try to spin wool and knit with it as part of my interest in sustainability. It'd be a relatively small gathering of animals. Cats and dogs are a given because that's just how I am. And, I understand that cats & dogs are carnivores and need to eat meat, but I'd probably just source this locally.
As for recipes, I love love love love Lindsay Nixon's books. You can check her out at happyherbivore.com