Dylan Urbanovich

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since Jun 19, 2012
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Born in the mists of Haida Gwaii, I'm but a Permie living in the scree hills and sage slopes of the Similkameen Valley.

I Dream of reforesting the okanagan and similkameen valleys, and seeing the waters sate these parched lands once again.
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British Columbia, Canada
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Recent posts by Dylan Urbanovich

Hi, I've had this question on my mind for years, and just never gotten around to manifesting it (until now).

Has anyone had any luck making bread with the pollen or refined tuber(corm) flour from the cattail plant?

I've used  both to thicken up stews before, but haven't had the chance to explore the rising or binding qualities of either.

3 years ago
Such a great name! Bonjour from the not so frozen North 👋
3 years ago
Oh man this is giving me flashbacks to level 2 cabinet making, do you know how many hours I spent scratching and sniffing different woods for a quiz that turned out to only be worth 5 🙃.
3 years ago
Another issue is going to be getting the water to the grow bed. unless you are growing aquatic plants you're going to need to cycle water through the grow bed, usually, this is achieved with a bell siphon in the grow bed. Unfortunately, a bell siphon requires water to be pumped into the bed. I'm not able to think of a way around this problem using just gravity and thermal differentials.
3 years ago
Low Oxygen levels may not be a detriment if the right fish species are used, bottom-dwelling fish such as basa and other catfish species could theoretically survive in a low O2 environment.
3 years ago
Ok, what if you were to bury a  loop of pipe 8 feet down that was connected to the bottom and top of the tote, theoretically that water would be geothermal heated enough to circulate. You could also sink the tote into the ground a couple feet to better insulate more surface area of the mass.
3 years ago
This is an interesting idea, one that I have spent a little time pondering. The problem you will face is equilibrium. The surface water falling as it cools would work only if the water below is warmer than the surface water. You would either need to find a way to warm the bottom water column or find a way to cool the upper water column by quite a bit to make it more dense than the layers beneath. This would be easier than heating the upper layer, but at some point the whole mass will reach equilibrium and be the same temperature throughout, shutting down your circulation system.

The black pipe would need to be outside the tank in order to heat up enough to warm the water more than it's surrounding mass of water, alternately what if you painted the bottom outside surface of the IBC black? This might heat up the water directly inside the tank on that edge to cause some circulation.

I don't see a way to achieve circulation with 0 inputs, but I could see this system working with passive inputs like geothermal or solar heat harvesting. But then again I am only an armchair physicist.

I would be interested in twinning this system with a trombe wall  or environmental earth battery to provide the passive heating.

3 years ago
Thank you for sharing Ryan, I've had roughly the same idea, and have also been looking at the Bolt, as it seems to be the most economically viable option for the moment. I had not thought of looking at cars coming off of their lease though, so thank you for that insight.
3 years ago

What about using parabolic lenses, to heat waste glass up enough until it's molten, then casting it into a parabolic lense? Self-replicating parabolic lenses?

Not sure if you've seen this video on youtube...
3 years ago