Exhaustion is the issue for me! I grow most of my own vegetables; over the past 20 years I've been gradually building up my soil and abilities to be able to do this. For me, it takes a lot of work. My family eats low carb so we don't have those grain/starch staples to fall back on; it's meat/fish/dairy/etc, a few fruits (including imported ones like olives and coconut), and lots of vegetables. Being without acreage, I can't produce much from the animal foods category--these I mainly buy from a local butcher (local is the best I can do) and collect an egg or two from my own small flock; however I am almost completely self-sufficient in year round veg.
Raising it is really cheap compared to buying it; and nutritious, tasty, local (obviously), better than organic, etc. Definitely. But it's so time-intensive! Starting seeds, transplanting (intense slug pressure makes direct sowing impossible), general maintenance and so on; I can grow year round so I'm doing this for about nine months of the year; some months are busier than others in this respect of course.
And then harvest, preserving/storage, cooking. This is often even more time consuming than the starting phase. Even just washing some veg is a Herculean effort! Yesterday I soaked some some leeks and black Spanish radishes plus greens through three changes of water: lots of mud in the first change, a bit less in the second plus a slug, and in the last: still a bit more mud and a compost worm, still wriggling! Then chopped into a slow cooker stew with a variety of garden veg I'd frozen last autumn. This time of year there's less harvesting/washing compared to summer and autumn of course; I can expect to spend about an hour a day for those couple of months: harvesting, washing and preparing, dehydrating, freezing, pickling...
I don't have an answer to how to be less exhausted! Except as has been mentioned already:
Many hands make light workChange my mindset/whistle while I work/make it funOrder my priorities: is obsessing over producing all my vegetables affecting my sanity?!Accept there are just some things out of my control