Megan Cannon

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since Aug 06, 2012
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If she has access to clean raw milk, she should drink 1 quart per day. Also, if fermented veggies sound good those would be great for her as well as foods cooked in grass-fed butter, liver from a grass-fed cow, and the cod-liver oil that Sarah suggested. There is a great brand on the WAPF website--it's cod liver butter, which contains the essential fats so that she can properly absorb the fat-soluble vitamins. The orange and he cinnamon flavors are my favorites so far. Best of luck to her!!
12 years ago
2 questions that i've wanted answered for years: (this is also in a forum--I messed up, sorry!)

1) Placenta consumption in postpartum natives--did they do it?
2) High cholesterol readings..while we know they don't actually indicate heart disease, could chronically high readings indicate a possible inability (for some reason or another) to convert cholesterol into pregnenalone or an inability to convert LDL into something beneficial?

12 years ago
placenta consumption amongst postpartum natives--did they do it?
12 years ago
High cholesterol readings..while we know they don't actually indicate heart disease, could chronically high readings indicate a possible inability (for some reason or another) to convert cholesterol into pregnenalone or an inability to convert LDL into something else beneficial?
12 years ago
I hope I am chosen to attend a conference! I have been in love with the organization since I was introduced 3 years ago. I truly believe that our bodies are not given enough credit--we are more than capable of healing ourselves and wholesome, nutritious food should be our medicine! Love this site--I'm really glad that you're doing a giveaway so that I could stumble across it!!
12 years ago