Becky Lynn

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since Aug 08, 2012
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Recent posts by Becky Lynn

Raw milk has changed my life from severe chronic sinus infections and allergies to relief! I have been drinking raw milk for eight years. All of our family is healthy, no broken bones, or severe injuries in young men in contact sports. See the Organic Pastures website for more information:
Mark McAfee is a wonderful resource about raw milk.
12 years ago
Some have found relief with one teaspoon cider vinegar in a small glass of water. Use the one with "the mother" culture. Also, consider adding more fermented foods and probiotics to your diet.
12 years ago
I have read that warts are a sign of potassium deficiency. Eat some high potassium containing foods like bananas, avocados, dried figs and apricots. Raw almonds, molasses, grass fed beef and liver, raw milk. Change to Real Salt that is not processed and has trace amount of many minerals.
12 years ago
Looking forward to attending Santa Clara WAPF Conference. Nutrition and Behavior are very important topics with the disconnect in the medical fields to this relationship. As a medical professional I want to give hope to families who are affected by these "chronic conditions" by treating the underlying nutritional issues.

12 years ago