Rebecca Norman

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since Aug 28, 2012
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Rebecca has lived in Ladakh in the Himalayas since 1992. She's trying to Be Nice on Permies.
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Ladakh, Indian Himalayas at 10,500 feet, zone 5
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Recent posts by Rebecca Norman

I've been making sourdough regularly lately, and also yogurt, so here's a photo of my starters, stored in the fridge.

I'm including a photo of my most recent bread, one of my best so far in this location, and it's just water, salt, starter, and flour (mostly whole wheat). The No-knead method is giving me the best crumb structure.

For the starter, I don't measure it. I use a dollop when I'm baking a loaf (maybe 2 Tbs?), and don't feed it every time, just put it back in the fridge. When it gets low I add some whole wheat flour, add water to get the right consistency, mix well, leave it on the counter till bubbly, and then it goes back in the fridge.

4 hours ago
Composting toilet cover material!

In my new house in 2018 I started by using up all the chips and shavings and sawdust that I had asked the builder to save for me. But when I emptied the composting toilet a couple years later, there was a lot of undecomposed chips and shavings. They'd turned orange or brown, but were not really ready to use in the soil.

Then I started getting free material from some woodshops in my area. It was a mix of sawdust and small shavings, and I took the trouble to remove larger pieces of woods before use. I watered the sacks of this material for a couple of months before use to make them a little better for the purpose (as per Joe Jenkins's advice in the Humanure Handbook). This also came out a couple years later as not being fully broken down, though much better than the first batch.

Then I started paying for fine sawdust from the woodshops, and getting free coffee grounds from the cafes in town, and mixing them together. I mix coffee grounds and sawdust in big sacks, removing unwanted bits as I layer the material. Then I water the whole mix. It heats up dramatically  within a week, and stays hot inside for a month or so. The cafes and woodshops are most active in summer, so I made several sacks, enough for the year. This cover material finally yielded good compost after two years in the toilet system, basically finished and only needing to be turned and left for a few more months.
5 hours ago

Sabine Palumbo wrote:...This product is for the washer  they are silicone discs that remove a lot of the hair during the wasing cycle. Not 100% but works pretty well. And there are other brands of available. But I also own a dryer and have purchased dryer balls for it.

If you use those, where does the removed cat hair go?
3 weeks ago

Douglas Alpenstock wrote:Here's Julia Child making French onion soup in glorious black and white. These shows were done in real time, and frankly I find her completely hilarious and completely watchable.

Love this! She grabs a bottle, opens it, waves it around while talking, and pours some into the bottom of the pot which is already on the heat. And then she says, "I meant to put oil in there. I put vermouth instead, but that doesn't make any difference."
3 weeks ago
When cooking any kind of greens, like kale, collards, chard, spinach, or edible weeds, a nice simple way to cook them is sauté onions or garlic in animal fat till sweet, add the chopped greens and salt, stir and flip a moment to coat with the fat a little, and cover till cooked.
3 weeks ago
And then there's the South Indian breakfast pancake, dosa, served with sambar and coconut chutney. Typically with a potato filling too. They are gluten free, being made of lightly fermented rice and urad or mung beans, and are vegan if you use oil instead of ghee on the iron pan.  I had a South Indian housemate for a while and he would make these.

Recipes are easy to find online if interested. I was amazed, it was as easy as sourdough or easier. he'd soak the rice and the urad dal or mung beans overnight, then grind them in the blender with a couple fenugreek seeds, and let them sit fermenting over another night. Then get the big flat iron pan up to just the right temperature (the first dosa was always a waste), pour batter on with a ladle and wipe it thin with the ladle, and flip briefly. They are crispy, light, fried yummy, and delicious. I learned to make the sambar and was told by South Indian friends that it was good: it's a dal with chunks of vegetables, and sambar spices (we buy the mix), curry leaves (I had one as a houseplant at the time), and tamarind for sourness.
3 weeks ago
The past few winters, some friends came to my house in December to do a big yak meat drying process so they could store meat for summer at their off-grid house. This yellow fat you see in the photos is just yak tallow, and I guess it's colored by the yaks being wildly free-range and eating high altitude desert plants. I made big loads of broth and tallow as a by-product of drying meat. The tallow I cleaned up well lasted in jars on the shelf for a year without getting any off-smell (we are not there now, so later I'll find out if a second year works). Yak fat is quite mild (unlike, say, mutton tallow that I find to smell sheepy).

We receive the meat as large pieces, like an upper leg, a lower leg, a quarter of a ribcage, and we store them in another friend's deep freezer. Then we take one out and partially thaw in a chilly part of the house for a couple days (the north side stairs in my passive solar-heated house stays at fridge temps and is ideal). When it's still lightly frozen but soft enough to cut, we slice off the meat and string it up to freeze-dry in a screened cage on the roof (in the high desert). Pieces of gristle and chunks of fat go to the broth pot. We cut up the bones with an axe, and I start the broth and fat process.

1) Simmer the bones overnight and ideally 18 to 24 hours. The first round, I use plain water, lightly salted, and no onions or spices. Drain them into a colander OVER A POT!!! and pick out the bits of meat for use. Put the broth in the chilly place in a straight-sided vessel.

2) Put the bones back in the pot with any remaining fat chunks or odd bits, this time with any other alliums or spices desired for broth, and simmer another 24 hours. Again drain over a pot and put the broth to chill in a straight-sided vessel.

3) Optionally simmer the bones a third time for another 24 hours, and this time add just a little acid such as vinegar or lemon juice, to draw more broth out of the bones. At the end of this process, the bones are mostly soft and go right in the compost, where they will disappear.

4) Meanwhile, when a broth pot has cooled, loosen the sides with a knife and lift out the disk of hardened fat. Scrape the bottom off, back into the broth. There will be little specks in the bottom of the fat, so scrape those off. (For storage of the broth, heat it, pour into containers, and freeze).

5) Combine the various batches of fat, melt them in clean water, stirring the fat into the water, and then chill again in a straight-sided container. For good long storage at room temperature, repeat this step again (chill, lift off the disk, wipe or scrape any last bits off).

6) Finally, take the chilled hard disk of fat, turn it upside-down to expose the wet side to the air, and let it dry in the chilly place for a couple of days. Melt it in a dry pot, and as it gets hot make sure there are no no moisture bubbles left inside. In theory there's a risk of it catching fire if it sits on the stove getting too hot, so I like to keep an eye on it and pay attention. You want any moisture to come out as bubbles of steam, but you don't want the fat itself to volatilize and come up as bubbles.

7) Pour into clean, dry, heat-resistant containers and store. I reuse glass jars that commercial food came in. The fat doesn't touch the lids so you can reuse jars with plastic lids, but if your storage will be unattended and risks rat attention, then stick to metal lids.
1 month ago
I like pancakes eaten as a savory meal. You can make them plain (without sugar) and let the eaters decide whether to eat them sweet or savory. Or you can mix something savory in: A fairly eggy pancake with scallions or onion greens chopped in is especially nice. I like to eat pancakes with leftover stew or curry on top.

For the gluten-free, buckwheat flour makes good pancakes. Doable even without eggs, but easier with eggs.

Whether the pancakes are going to be eaten sweet or savory, sometimes it's nice to drop seeds on the wet side as soon as the pancake is poured on the griddle. They sink in and won't fall off. Might be pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chopped walnut, or whatever you like.

I love to make applesauce but then some years I fail to eat it. It's great on pancakes, especially if they have the seeds in.

My photo is pancakes with leftover 'gravy' from a Kashmiri mutton curry called yakhni, made with yogurt, and spices (not hot spices though). We enjoyed the dinner from the Kashmiri restaurant, and then enjoyed the leftovers over pancakes, vegetables, or even pasta, just to keep things varied.
1 month ago
In the desert I've lived in for 30 years (Indian Himalayas) there is rarely fog, except maybe during light rain, so maybe for a few hours on a couple days a year. And the air just isn't holding a lot of humidity that can be condensed out of it.
1 month ago
It depends on your climate, and also that your washing machine spins the clothes pretty dry. When I live in the high desert, I wouldn't think of getting a tumble dryer. In winter Massachusetts, indoor air is so dry that drying clothes indoors is fast and beneficial to air quality (but only use unscented detergent!). But in coastal Massachusetts in the summer, indoors is humid, and only half of days are dry enough to hang things outside, so a tumble dryer is sometimes essential.

Christopher Weeks wrote:... It's just a boatload of extra work to find a basket, lug the wet load of clothes down the stairs and out into the yard .... And they're not as soft -- at least until you crunch them up.

Christopher, it sounds like your washer doesn't spin the clothes properly. My clothes aren't a lot heavier coming out of the washer than they are going in. If your clothes are drying stiff, it sounds like the washer isn't getting all the water out of them. If it's the case that your washer isn't spinning them as dry as it should, you're wasting a LOT of electricity getting that water out of your clothes in the tumble dryer using heated air, rather than a minute of centrifugal force in the washer.

Also, holding the clothes by the corners and snapping them briskly before hanging them helps reduce stiffness and wrinkles.
1 month ago