My neighbor has 2 mills for sawing
trees into lumber, and one of those chain-saw mill setups which is much slower to use, but is more portable.
I'm sure there are plenty of different styles, but that's for another
thread. This thread is all about what to do with "the stuff left over".
Some mills produce more sawdust that contains more shavings and slightly coarser material. Some mills produce finer material with no shavings, and less of it. For this thread, if the use you're suggesting needs a specific type, speak up, but otherwise, I trust permies to figure it out for themselves.
I will get the list started with uses I have used it for, and everyone can add their own thoughts/uses also!
1. The shavings are great for chicken/duck nest boxes. The fine stuff is dustier, but any port in a storm.
2. Fine sawdust is important on my farm when I have to
compost dead animals. A good bed of sawdust under the animal helps hold the juices for the bugs to process so contaminants don't get down into the
water table.
3. Sawdust layered with Doug Fir Cones in a warming tray makes great
biochar in our woodstove. (plain sawdust doesn't cook evenly)
4. Sawdust dumped in wet areas of our paths is a short term fix for a muddy patch.
5. Hardwood shavings can be utilized for a number of
mushroom species to
feed mycelium.
6. Fine sawdust can be utilized as a deterrent for plant growth. It can be placed to block sunlight and stop germination.
7. Sawdust can be used for certain pottery techniques such as sawdust firing or raku styled pottery.
8. Sawdust can be used in place of bran for bokashi. Just inoculate with the 'broth' and sprinkle on top of the waste in the
9. Composting toilet cover material! (Human or pets like dogs.)
10. Sawdust is great to have around the
workshop to sop up spilled liquids.
11. Sawdust on a path between raised beds eventually turns into soil that can get added to the beds.