Hi Oliver
Well I would love to answer your question easily, I have to agree with all that has been written earlier and would like to add, that its all up to you.
No matter where you go, unless its a place surrounded by relatives and friends, its going to be an adjustment.
I have little knowledge of your background and experiences but as a carpenter you may understand that its kind of like picking clients. Some are alot better than others, some are more knowledgable, and some are just plain pains. And some days are just better than others!
Its going to take awhile to adjust and to learn who is who and who is related to whomever. Where things are and if you have to have permits or get inspections, (yes there are still places in the USA where you can build without being inspected). I think you will find that it could be good for your children , because they will have to learn how to work. Something that i believe is really missing in this country! And they hopefully will learn how to be more reliant upon themselves.
( although farm life is a bit more dangerous if you dont learn from your life lessons and use some common sense!)
I personally have lived all over the country from large cities to small 100 person towns where the closest home depot was 95 miles away)
It will take some time, for everyone. I personally would rather live in the country, a place where you can slowly learn about yourself, your neighbors, and just how little you really need to have a happy family life.
Plan well, find good water and build the dream you want, and Don't believe everything you hear, gossip is a lot louder in the rural areas! Throw that tv away, communicate with your family, alot, and laugh as much as you can, and Do Not assume anything, laws are different in every state, county and town.
Best wishes