naomi rose

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since Jan 04, 2013
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Recent posts by naomi rose

I am in Liverpool not doing doing anything except dreaming! Anyone else in Liverpool or near by .....
11 years ago
costa rica i cant imagine that i live in the uk in liverpool!! the world is so small these days
12 years ago
sounds like an interesting community. where abouts do you live?
12 years ago
I haven't done any courses but I am looking to see what is around. Working full time and having a dog and bunnies also means I have to be here for feeding and walks and so on so have to fit it around that. hens, a goat and growing things would suit me but like you have to make do with my backyard for now. I dont have an allotment as I dont think I would be able to give it all the time and attention it would need in the right seasons. and then knowing me it would become a wild and overgrown jungle, which is fine in the right place!! still we must keep positive and keep on having ideas and thoughts of where we would like to get to as after all we only have one crack at life and so must spend it doing what we love to do best. having a job is a means to and end of course even if you cant become totally self sufficient.....sorry i go on a bit dont I !
12 years ago
some one else in liverpool thats a first. im not really doing anything sustainable - yet - i would love to be more self sufficient in my back yard so its growing things in boxes for now. I have 2 bunnies and a greyhound so any other animals are out of the question!! would love a hen and a goat though in my ideal world. and to do some cheese making too which i reckon i could learn how to do in my kitchen. Motivation and energy levels are my downfall at the moment
12 years ago
I have just joined this forum and live in NW England - Liverpool. I am interested in all things sustainable but live the hum drum life at the moment. Anyone else in this part of the world?
12 years ago