Thanks for all the timely warnings, Eric. We had learned (the hard way) that those hot wood chips were toxic for us, but I didn't count on them being toxic for plants as well. To be clear, we had originally simply "closed" our new raised compost beds with a layer of these wood chips, with the intention of having the wood chips serve as protective layer over the fall and winter months, letting the microbial activity seep into the bed over the next few months. It was only after we had all the beds covered in this way that we learned that we could use the material from the garden center. At that point, the beds had all sat for one to three weeks with their wood-chip covering. We then added several inches of the greenhouse waste and gave the beds a light mixing with a pitchfork (mixing in place, not turning the piles). And now we are in the process of covering them once again with a thin layer of wood chips. We are using fresher chips now, that are not fermenting at all.
In light of the information you provided, I hope we did not go too wrong with all this. We do water our compost beds during and after establishment. We water now and then if we have an extended dry spell, but in our cool coastal region in Quebec, we typically get a good rain once or twice a week. Right now, we're getting a deep soaking rain that is more than we need, but the piles will all be thoroughly wetted. They are perpendicular to a slope, so they catch some water from uphill, but they also easily drain the excess downhill. Also, almost all the beds contain a fair amount of quite rough, freshly scythed plant material (green and dry stems), specifically to provide plenty of air channels.
I guess we'll find out how much luck we have in the spring! I may sow some clover on the piles this weekend, if you think that would be a good strategy this late in the season (first frost is in about a month, 6 weeks).