Laurie Wayne

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since Feb 03, 2013
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Recent posts by Laurie Wayne

Thanks Redhawk, that's a brilliant idea about the Extension agents! I'm on it!

I think we have the same vision - basically at the end of each day we have x number of 5 gallon buckets that we can transport to one or more nearby farms for feeding to livestock or composting. I think that number would be in the 40-50 range.

I don't think you can use compostable napkins and stuff when you are feeding animals, can (should) you?

6 years ago
Hmmm, okay, crickets are excellent food for chickens, so I'll take it.

I know the towns we are going to are super tiny - can anybody refer me to a map-like thing that might help me find folks local to our stops who could give me some insider information about whose pigs need watermelon rinds?
6 years ago
yay! It's my first post on Permies for the longest time!

Ok, so it's not exactly a CIRCUS circus, but it's a supported bike ride with 300 riders and 50 or so crew. Naturally, they're riding through some very rural areas. Naturally, they're generating a lot of compostable food waste. Naturally, they're putting it in plastic bags and tossing it in landfills... <cue scratchy record sound effect> nah nah nah, lets change that last part.

I want to find farmers and permies and others along the routes that could use the food scraps to feed compost piles, pigs, chickens, or worms or methane digesters. How do I do it? (non-waste-related side note: I would also like to find farmers and homesteaders along the way who have farmy products that they might offer for sale to these kind, affluent, mostly urban riders when they are passing through)

Here are the routes. The rides happen next summer (late June/early July). Please help me, mighty Permie hive-mind!

Oregon: stopping in Condon, Moro, Maupin, Fossil, Spray, and Heppner
Montana: stopping in Missoula, Darby, Jackson, Wise River, Philipsburg, and Ovando.
6 years ago
Hi Andy!

Why don't you plan on sharing 119 with me? I think we'll have plenty of cooking and other gear between us all, especially if folks snag a couple of nearby sites, oh my it's going to be great!

11 years ago
There's a growing group of folks setting up camp at Skinner Lake. We'd love more camping neighbors in our low-cost, outdoor cooking, shared-ride-friendly neighborhood! Thread is at

11 years ago
yee haw, hi neighbor! Looking forward to it.

Let's connect closer to the conference and collaborate on gear/meals/rides/whatevs.
11 years ago
Hey Emily -

When I talked to them they said the sites were dirt, and I did not get them to fess up to any "tent only" sites, even though there is a reference to them. There is a "primitive group camping" area that is pure dirt, no water, no shade. It's a well-used campground, and it's not going to be like camping in the woods. My guess is that by avoiding the "full hookup" and "water plus electricity" sites, we might get something more person-friendly.

There is a neat feature in the reservations section on the site where you can see a picture of the site by clicking on it on the map. It looks compacted but not paved in some places. I am thinking that camping on the edge of the grassy area is as close as we can get to something tent-friendly. I guess for $10-$15 bucks a night I will probably bring my extra fluffy air mattress and dream about having a Westfalia.

Hope other permies pick this option - it could be a little disorienting otherwise!

11 years ago
If there are any other places you know of where people are talking about PV camping, could you point us to them? I'd like to share this info and connect with other campers.

11 years ago
I just called Skinner Lake and there are individual sites available, with and without water and electricity - they are $23 per night if you just want water and $25 a night if you also want electric so you can bring your mini fridge and espresso maker. Each site can take 2 vehicles and 6 people max.

It would be fun to camp together and it would be fun to find each other in the campground. It would be smart to carpool to PV - it's 13 miles and takes about half an hour to drive.

The park's site is at and there is a reservation link that lets you pick your site. I recommend you reserve online as there is a 20 or so minute hold if you call them. I suggest that if you go this route, you consider posting your site number for progressive pupu party (or just visiting) facilitation - or micro-group-camping if we get several sites together. A trip to Google Maps satellite view will help you find a site that has actual trees, if you like that kind of thing.

I am in site 119 and there is room for another car and up to 5 more peeps in my spot. There are 2 nice dogs camping with me. The fee for March 12-17 was $122. It has trees but no electricity. Splitzies would be great if you wanted to co-camp. PM me if that sounds good.

By the way, it's sunny and 73 degrees there today.

11 years ago
Camping sounds great! I have a car and I would have two medium sized dogs with me. I would love to share a site, driving to and from, fun camp meals (I have a camp kitchen I could bring) and stories 'round the campfire. Or get my own site and share all that other stuff anyway.
11 years ago