yay! It's my first post on Permies for the longest time!
Ok, so it's not exactly a CIRCUS circus, but it's a supported bike ride with 300 riders and 50 or so crew. Naturally, they're riding through some very rural areas. Naturally, they're generating a lot of compostable food waste. Naturally, they're putting it in plastic bags and tossing it in landfills... <cue scratchy record sound effect> nah nah nah, lets change that last part.
I want to find farmers and permies and others along the routes that could use the food scraps to feed compost piles, pigs, chickens, or worms or methane digesters. How do I do it? (non-waste-related side note: I would also like to find farmers and homesteaders along the way who have farmy products that they might offer for sale to these kind, affluent, mostly urban riders when they are passing through)
Here are the routes. The rides happen next summer (late June/early July). Please help me, mighty Permie hive-mind!
Oregon: stopping in Condon, Moro, Maupin, Fossil, Spray, and Heppner
Montana: stopping in Missoula, Darby, Jackson, Wise River, Philipsburg, and Ovando.