Michael Helmersson

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since Mar 02, 2013
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Geraldton, Ontario -Zone 1b
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Recent posts by Michael Helmersson

Has anyone tried planting apple trees using seed balls? I'd like to plant some apple trees in places where I have easy access in winter via snowshoes and wondered if it'd be possible to have success by burying them under the snow (or just tossing them on the snow?).
1 week ago

thomas rubino wrote:Went 100% off the grid in 1983 and have never looked back.
Solar and hydro

You're a pioneer. Wow.
2 weeks ago
About 10 years ago we bought a used Waterford Stanley that was about 30 years old THEN. We use it to heat a 22ft Mongolian yurt in Northern Ontario, and even in -40 degC weather it is never really being pushed to its limit. We usually let it go out during the night and relight early in the morning. I think it weighs around 700 pounds, so it holds a LOT of heat, long after the fire is dead and gone.
Ben Falk did a great video showcasing the capabilities of this stove:
4 months ago

Timothy Murray wrote:Possibly the very first Wofati roof:

This image from your link sure looks like a Wofati.

5 months ago

John Shaver wrote:Check out HOME IN THE EARTH on you tube

Quite a lot of footage of quite a massive project:

7 months ago
I don't know how you can even think about firewood in this heat! It was 88F in Northern Ontario today and I'm dissolving.
7 months ago
8 weeks ago, one of my trailcams captured a very pregnant wolf walking by. Last night, the same camera caught this:

May 17

July 11

I counted 6 of them.
7 months ago
I found a spruce tree this winter with fur caught in its bark about 5 feet up from the ground. Today I lucked out and caught a bear using it to scratch it's back and/or leave its mark.

8 months ago
I had a neighbour that used a paintball gun with success in deterring dogs, skunks and even bears. Perhaps there's a degree of humiliation involved for the critter in having to explain the coloration to family and friends. Much less harmful than a pellet to the bum.
8 months ago

thomas rubino wrote:Full cords
4' x 4' x 8'

Wow. That's a lot of work.
8 months ago