Vincent Alexander

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since Apr 19, 2013
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Recent posts by Vincent Alexander

Hi folks. I am setting up a new forest garden. Part of it will be a annual crop (kitchen garden) and the other half will be a perennial mixed with annual forest garden.

I am wondering what to do with my compost like meat, bones, shellfish waste.. And I wonder if maybe I should bury this in shallow trenches around my forest garden as offerings for coyotes, in hopes that their regular presence might keep deer, and other small pests (racoon, rat, etc..) numbers minimized.. Is this realistic or crazy? The kitchen garden will be surrounded by a 3.5 high chicken wire fence, with 6" buried in the ground, not intended to keep out coyotes, but to mitigate deer, rabbit, etc... Maybe the coyotes can help out?

If this is a bad idea, then what should I do with my meat, bones, shellfish waste? A little insight for this new-to-rural die hard Permie out in West Washington, thanks folks.
9 years ago
Hi Anthony, let's keep in touch and exchange ideas since we are in the same climate. I am new to the area and just learning how to adapt to homesteading here.

Anthony Hardt wrote:Hi Vincent,

My wife and I also have bought acreage in western Washington to homestead on (Kitsap Peninsula.) Another resource for you is the Bullock Brothers Homestead on Orcas Island. They've been at it for almost 40 years and their property is amazing to visit. They offer tours and are very helpful and forthcoming with information. We also took advantage of Terra Phoenix Consulting (Doug Bullock and Dave Boehnlein) who came out to our land and did a 4 hour walkabout advising different strategies and planning--very worthwhile!

Good luck, Anthony

9 years ago
Hi all, I am new to chickens and wondering if you could help me find some basic facts and answers, because I want to make sure I design sustainable chicken system properly.

BTW, I am located in West Washington USDA zone 8b. (20 degree low in winter) 85-90 in summer.

So I want to keep 6 egg chickens for now. Down the road I will expand and keep more chickens, and hatch chicks, and use them for meat as well as eggs, but for now I am just getting started so this first year Ill just keep 6 chickens and figure out how to grow their food and keep them fed.

My initial idea to build a red-worm farm, and produce enough red worms (protein staple) to keep the chickens fed. Other than that they can do a lot of free ranging around the coop to eat all kinds of things. I'm also open to growing anything else that will keep my chickens fat and happy and delicious. I have access to oyster shells that I can grind and blend with their food. I have acres where I can run drip and grow any plants. There's it also a ton of wild greens growing around here (horse tail, bull thistle, grass, etc..) I have a couple springs on the property so I can keep a pond, maybe grow frogs as feed? I also consider meal worms, I know they make a nice treat for the chickens and good feed for fish when I start those. But for now, if Red Worms are the best staple food to go for, let's get some facts sorted out so I know how to set this up.

*? Can I produce red worms to feed my chickens as their primary staple food?

*? Do you suggest a different form of food that I can grow for them? Something better than red worms?

*? How many red worms will a mature chicken eat every day in the summer? winter? etc?

*? How large of a red worm box will I need to produce enough worms to feed one chicken? 6 chickens, etc..?

*? Should I build a wallapini green house with oil burning lamp to keep warm in the winter, to keep my worms at optimal temps in the winter? Then just vent the green house in the summer and use it for shade to keep them cool?

*? What plants can I grow to feed my chickens?

Any other tips, advice, or working models you can direct me to will be appreciated.

I still need to reed a good manual on how to raise chickens, so if you have a good solid into to raising chickens website for me to look at I'll appreciate the link. THANKS!
9 years ago
Hello, can yall recommend a brand, or resource for purchasing hand crank juicers, food processors, etc... made of Stainless Steel preferably (I hate plastic or chemical food processors).. I'd like to avoid the need for electricity for now, although an electric device would still be cool because I do intend to have access to electricity, I just think it's great to keep it simple, and I want my devices to last a lifetime!

Id like a juicer for greens/grass, and also something for juicing berries, apples, fruit/veg... Also a PRESS for SQUEEZING/Filtering.. And maybe something for grinding nuts, and grinding meat, etc... I'm looking to collect a small arsenal of tools that will last a lifetime and not looking to break the bank! I hope there is an old fashioned company out there that is still making them like they used to! Your suggestions please! THANKS
9 years ago
Hi! I just moved to West Washington, one of the most beautiful places on earth really, I love it here and plan to make this a home base. I have a great job as a ranch hand here and I am beginning to homestead. I'd like to meet a woman who wants to partner up for a life of permaculture and homesteading.

I'm an honorable man. Height 5'8", 135LB, Italian/German/Russian, handsome, hard working, fun/funny, talented, spiritual, with impeccable values and passion for life! Love nature and all things natural. I hope to find my homesteader queen to love and share everything with.

PM me if you want to exchange pics and chat Tashi Delek!

9 years ago
This is something that has been on my mind a lot lately since I just moved to another state without a car. For the moment I am hitching rides into town with my friends but I need to be thinking long term and WINTER...

My #1 preferred idea is a Electric Bike. A but on the pricey side at $2k-$3k but these babies will go 50Miles-100Miles at 20MPH and are weather proof and carry 400LB of weight, so its a lot like having a horse.

Speaking of horse, that would be a rad option too, I just need to see if it's a feasible option for getting in and out of town in the winter here.

Otherwise, if I was going to go the registered vehicle route, I would probably opt for a moped (one time registration for life/$30 per year insurance/50 miles to the gallon etc..) or a gas scooter, or an all Terrain motorcycle..

If I decide to get a car, it will probably be something that get excellent gas milage, will tow a small light weight trailer, and maybe 4 wheel drive.. Like this little Suzuki Tracker my friend is offering to sell me right now.

I have owned a minivan and I also really enjoyed that for camping and moving things too.

If money was no option, I think I would like to have a Sprinter! If it's capable of towing a yard of soil or a flat bed trailer.. that would be rad to have a custom tiny house sprinter and a flat bed utility trailer on tow.

9 years ago
That's all great advice guys, Thank you!

Nicole Alderman, thank you for the links! I will get on those for plants, and yeah propagation has been on my mind, now I'll have a great list of natives to focus on propagating THANK YOU

Ducks! Awesome! Can't wait to learn more and get that underway.

I feel overwhelmed at the moment knowing that its ALL ahead of me.. I haven't really even begun yet, so I DO need to slow down spend more time observing the landscape and climate (Thank you Dillon Nichols), but yes this gives me some priorities to focus on for now.

9 years ago
Hi Yall, I am new to West Washington. Specifically Mason County. I am in homesteaders heaven here I do believe... I have access to a bay, mountains, rivers, beach with clams, oysters...

I moved here to homestead, and now it's time to really get started. Can y'all help me out with tips on priorities, a to do list, and how to approach the execution of these various missions?

Currently I'm not sure what species of animals I should be focused on hunting and fishing to fill my freezer in time for winter. Are there any small game I could focus on and get a lot of easily while I get more familiar with the hunting of large game? Also what kind of animals should I be focused on raising for food? Obviously chickens, but how about a small fish farm? Trout best in a tank here? Or do people grow Tilapia with heaters in a green house all winter here? I guess goat, pig, cow is all a matter of personal preference, I would like to get them all. I also plan on doing meal worms and redworms... plus I am learning the plant species as quickly as I can, is there a good plant identification app or website you recommedn, aside from the facebook group...? Wow I have a lot of work ahead of me, so I need to get my TO DO list prioritized and I am hoping you might offer me some good guidance/wisdom from experience on how to get my homestead set up quick on a shoe string budget using natural resources, and craigslist/ebay... I figure it's gonna take me at least all year to get set up, but hopefully I won't waste any time with your help. Thanks.

9 years ago
I'd appreciate any specific design feedback the community has to offer. Surprised this post does not have a bunch of replies already! Curious really...
9 years ago

This is near Santa Rosa Plateau in Southern California.

This is a north facing slop that gets plenty of full sun.

Please provide your suggestions on swale size, width, placement. Any suggestions on procedure.

Will keep updated with more videos throughout the project. THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR SUGGESTIONS!

Can't wait to dig in!

insta @AlexMonkisNiceDay
9 years ago