About the county Inspectors, all I have to say is know your rights. If you are living off grid, anything that cannot be seen from the road can not be legally inspected if you have your land posted no trespassing. The only government official allow to trespass by law is a game warden. If inspector can see anything from the road he has you, as he hasn't trespassed to find out. Always check with some one about your rights, Nova Scotia is full of off grid Camps that have never been inspected. Once you want power the permits start. Most camps are not build to any kind of code in fact, as inspector require people to upgrade and change their home, perfectly good stoves and chimney pieces for the camps are easy to find here. Of course don't take my advice either if the inspector calls you call a lawyer, if you've just moved here and your not familiar with the loop holes the inspector might take advantage. If you don't hang a permit then hang a no trespassing sign. Also fyi a no hunting sign means the owner can't legally hunt the land either. And the game warden can trespass. If you want to live off grid keep quiet, don't attract attention, keep it out of sight , and keep in good with your neighbors.