David Brock

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since Jun 29, 2013
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Just surfing craigslist and noted this repurposed vermiculite in PA.  If you are local to that area this might be a good idea.


hope this might help a couple.

6 years ago
From what I have found online is that the new Fake TSP hass Sodium Metasilicate as one of the ingredients. I'm going to make a batch of cement, perolite and Fake TSP on monday with a little soda water and see how it holds up.

11 years ago
Excellent video on the site.
11 years ago
Interesting history on Aprovecho, thanks fo the info. I like some of their designs and wished that they had some forums and such to ask questions about their institutional cooker.

11 years ago
I'm gathering materials (fire brick, vermiculit board and such) at this time and have an idea that is a cross between the Aprovecho design with a refractory burn chamber/tunnel/stack like Zerofosselfuel's. I hope after a vacation of thinking about this way toooo much that I can start assembling something that might actually boil water and then Sap next spring.

11 years ago
any updates on how this is working?

11 years ago
any pictures yet? I'm thinking/planning on something for next springs sap run and would like more visual aids to help with my build.

11 years ago