Velho Barbudo

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since Sep 03, 2013
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Mealhada, Portugal
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Recent posts by Velho Barbudo

Sure i can, by sexually free i mean not to be afraid of experimenting inside a relationship.

Regarding photos, i dont want one of my photos bouncing around for anyone to see them. Even more so when Im not photogenic but consider myself a normal good looking man 😁
2 years ago
Hello, I'm André, a 41y old with a starting organic certified 1.5ha land.
Sense of humour person, highly curious and inquisitive, with university studies and living abroad experiences.
I have no kids and no animals.
I live in a caravan off-grid until the land provides enough money for a better insolated house lol
I'm an agroecologist, this means I use science and it's technology to make a human habitat while improving the natural environment around.
I'm looking for a F partner to share my gorgeous place, 20m from a big city and 35 min from the Ocean, I'm 1,68m tall and 75kg .
You need to be intellectually stimulating, emotionally stable, fisically fit, sexually free, have a wide cultural mindset and be creative.
I care not about your height, skin colour, religion, country, etc.

Apart from this, I'm also looking for F that wants to live off-grid and work with me, without being romantically involved.
Let's talk.
2 years ago
Hi everyone, I sold my Quinta just north of Castelo Branco and already bought an amazing 1.5ha land with a small stream and a pond halfway between Aveiro and Coimbra for 22k. It's not allowed to build unless the owner is a farmer, so if you want to move to PT and start farming come and colonize this area with me.
Mealhada council is 30min from both Coimbra and Aveiro cities to sell what you produce, 30 min from the ocean, 10 km from Luso, a small forested mountain, not as impossibly hot or cold as Castelo Branco, water and me

PS- I'm a water retention landscape designer and consultant, not a real estate seller.
4 years ago
If you have stones and rocks, try them as mulch.
It would be cool if you could post a photograph with your work.
4 years ago
Well, i can but you have to pay for it but most importantly, If the land isnt yours and you dont know it then the design is point less.
5 years ago
I Wonder why your impressions are that valuable to a permaculture online comunity since its based on a few days road trip through a somewhat Hard topography and heavily rural country and your comparison of our unatural forest to Spains
Portugal and Spain are perfect for permaculture projects for the following reasons:
. Desertfying comunities and landscapes
. Cheap to average land cost
. Degraded soils
. Excessive eucaliptus and pine monoculture forests.
. Sun and water
. Great, helping people
. Well, we belong to the EU.

5 years ago
Greg, ive done a 200l and a 7000l ferro cement water tanks and even though it can Be cheaper than other techniques, it takes a lot of time for one person to do it. Its something to Be build in group activities, that way i strongly recomend it but if not its better to buy something from an existing company.
Good luck.
5 years ago
Checking if the land has the announced size is something you can do on Google earth. I did it because i had experience in farms before so i knew the farms i saw were not the size the sellers were saying. The agents Will not tell you where the farm is located before you go there, is a posterior work for you.

Confirming the owners is something that you can do at the local city quite easily.
5 years ago
Hi Martin, welcome.

We have seen plenty for sale online

The difference between photos and reality is huge, prepare to be emotionally tired..

Is it common that land is not in the correct name or size or registration? If so, what is the process?

It's very common, it happened to me 2 or 3 times. The process is simple, you either love the farm and buy it anyway or you dont, i didnt as there needs to be ethics... always check land size in google and the name of the owners of the farm in the public office.This is quick. Be carefull with the local real estates as they are less caring with this matter.

Should we go through an estate agent or buy from someone local with the help of a good lawyer/solicitor?  

You can start visiting lands through agents, have a feel of the area and then visit the villages and ask in cafes or the municipal center.

Could anyone recommend a good lawyer/solicitor for the Coimbra or Castelo Branco area that we could meet with in June?  

Sure i can, my father

I will be waiting for that drink!!
Take care
5 years ago
Isnt a Apple tree, or whatever, a tree?
Só why wouldnt a forest that give Food to humans and birds, etc, Be considered reforestation?

Being said this, for oficial institutions maybe not
6 years ago