On my tiny plot of land I have.
Apple, Pear, Quince, Medlar
Aronia, Juneberry, Servicetree
Apricot, Cherry, Plum, Pluot, Peach, (missing almond)
Hazelnut, Sweet Kernel Apricot, Yellowhorn, (missing chestnut+walnut family)
Mulberry, Fig,
Persimmon, Pawpaw, Jujube, Cornus mas, Elderberry, Bitter Orange
Seaberry, Goumi, Silverberry, AO
Grapes, Kiwi, Akebia, 5 flavor vine
Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry
Gooseberry, Jostaberry, Currant
Mint/Thyme family, Carrot/Celery Family, Onion/Garlic Family, Cabbage Family, Spinach Family, Dandelion/Lettuce Family, Oyster+Wine Cap
Mushroom, etc
That list sounds so impressive, that I want to say yes, except they are all super dwarfing 11ft or less cultivars, and this is taking up less than a fraction of a fraction of an acre.
So I think that a forest needs to be bigger than 1 acre, and it needs to be bigger than just 10ft tall shrubs. That said if due to the work that you are doing 15yrs from now you help create gov policy or just common sentiments and everyone started planting out acres and acres of plants, then yes. Also you are helping to be a part of the solution so in my book you are reforesting/rewilding/reconnecting and rejuvenating the earth one plot at a time.