Hi friends
Kevin here, and I've been following many threads, and post on here, trying to take in all the information I can before attempting to build my own RMH, so this is my first post! I've seen many post, and comments, about tending/feeding the stove, and read many possible ideas, but the only idea I haven't seen yet, (and please correct me if I'm wrong) is an enlarged firebox! I can't imagine Earnie, and Erica have not tried this yet, as it seems they have encountered everything there is with the RMH...My thoughts are, if you could make the firebox large enough to hold say 3 to 5 standard size log quarters, but have a cover that has the original size opening in it to allow air to flow through it, to cover the wood. A cover with a hole in it essentually, and the fire tube, and heat riser would be the same size as usual! I would believe that this may enhance the turbulance, due to bottle necking, and increase the overall burning temp, since the bed of coals would be larger giving an overall heating surface. Has anyone seen a post on this yet, or heard of anything like this, and if so, how well/poor did it perform?