Perry Mac Donald

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since Oct 31, 2013
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Recent posts by Perry Mac Donald

Hi all ! I've always wanted to live small , even as a kid i drew sketches of floor plans and hoping some day my dream will come true . A few years later i took an interest in small camping trailers , loved the looks and compactness of all the built-ins . That got me hooked . I filled in a few requests for brochures the ones you find inside magazines . When i got them , i would drool over the beautiful pictures and dream . It wasn't until i moved to Kingston , Ontario i rented an apartment for 15 years and then bought my house . Freedom at last i thought . Since i have been here , i have struggled to stay afloat . I lived on my own in the house for two years but needed more income to pay my bills , so i rented the two bedrooms out to students , that helped . I am still renting out to students but i need to sell and move to the country so i can go off grid . This will bring me full circle because i will build a small house more suited to my needs . I'm 51 , Gay , single and never had a partner . I can't wait till this happens , i will be free of Dept and a whole lot happier . I might even find a caring mate . I included a few pictures of my hobby , that is restoring vintage trailers and a new garage to work on them .
11 years ago
Has anyone taken advantage of manure and compost piles to heat their homes using the same method as a rocket heater . Please forgive me if this practice was already done , I'm relatively new here and don't want to rehash anything . Might someone tell me where to look ? Thank you .
11 years ago

Miles Flansburg wrote:Hello Perry, I couldn't find the video.

Burra Maluca found it .
11 years ago
[youtube][/youtube] This is a short video of what i am about to do . I'm not sure how to connect youtube . just type my name at you tube and it should come up , i only have one video Perry Mac Donald .
11 years ago
More pictures as it happens .
11 years ago
I started to build a Rocket Heater for my garage from a gas water heater . I feel confident about how it's coming along . It's very satisfying and fun . Here are a few pictures of what i have done so far . The first stage is the dry fit , to make sure everything fits as it should before welding . I'm hoping to wire in a circuit to an outside plug in and run an extension cord .

A few more pictures .
11 years ago
I am thinking of using aquarium gravel . I stripped down a gas water heater for my RMH , the tank bottom has an upward curve , in this area i want to cut the flue at the top of that curve and fill in around the bottom and come level , that way i figured i could put a piece of metal on top to build on for the new brick flue . Does this make sense or should i reuse the 4" round flue and attach it to a 4" square fire box and feed like most people do . Thank you .
11 years ago
I had one of those they are called Chimnias The spelling is wrong . Their Ok but it creates a lot of smoke . I live in the City and my neighbours complained so i had to stop using it .
11 years ago
Welcome aboard !! I recently joined as well and i love this sight . It's so easy to get hooked here , a lot of great idea's from great folks .
11 years ago