Opps posted too soon so continued.
And here is a link to the nest box article
Nest boxes
The office supply shelves have served for nearly 40 years, The cat house box was just replaced 2 years ago but it had served for nearly 20 in the previous iteration. Nest boxes were burned with each change in chickens for easy disease control.
Also built display stands, booths for sales and a host of other things that were in the end disposable. They also made various household furniture pieces like tables and foot stools
Now on to plastic. Here I am working towards things but am not there yet. Goals: special screened bottom for beehives, Individual sections for the reservior tomato float and in the wild dreams goals want to try rotational molding specially shaped tank if I can figure out how to powder the plastic properly. Have played with making cutting boards but don't have an example of that. Here is an early lesson made from milk jugs. 3 or 4 jugs melted into a rough slab. Later learned that parchment paper can be used as a release agent to press stuff down to nearly smooth.
Finally on to glass. Also just dreaming so far.
1. Want to do a concrete picnic table top with embedded glass cross sections to make art. Green beer bottles cut in various cross sections to make leaves for example. Cast top down and then grind the top smooth so the glass sticks out.
2. Is foamed glass possible for insulation?
3. Want to try and build glass tubes capped on both ends and at vacuum inside(preferably also mirrored inside.) This is for float for the top of no pressure hot water tank. Because the goal is a drain back solar collector I need a way to float a diaphragm on top of the tank of hot water so the air breathe in and out as dry air from above the diaphragm. The goal is to cut a bunch of short pieces to be parts of a tube with a bottle end to cap both ends. Then weld them all together in a nearly vertical roller rack.