Gen Clark

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since Nov 13, 2013
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Recent posts by Gen Clark

So many garden plants are double duty when it comes to harvesting and eating!! Add more leaves.... okra leaves,squash leaves and stems as well as zucchini leaves and stems  to your menu!! Okra leaves can be steeped for a tea. Use one or 2 okra pods,split length wise,in a jar of water(16oz at least)24 hours in the fridge,drink!! Aloe like....Healthy!
Zucchini or squash leaves(lightly steamed) can be used in a onion,mushroom,rice or quinoa rollup,sauteed ....though I just got busy and chopped fresh leaves up and added to my mixture...saved time...I may never steam and roll
4 months ago
Hi Ginny,
Have you ground and used beans for flour and if so do you know if an aged bean would be hard maybe too hard for grinding and could this mill handle?? I have been stocking different beans for emergency food source,with hopes of buying a mill for multiple grinds of different grains and beans When reading above and came to oily spices I simply had to go google them... never thought of spices being oily or non oily... Glad that was part of the mill instructions!!
Thanks for reply!!
Gen Clark
3 years ago
Hi Ginny,
I was wondering about the ease of cleaning the mill? How often?
Thanks for reply!!
Gen Clark
3 years ago
Hello Hello Ginny!! Welcome!!
Oh What A Beeeutifullllllll.....oh please excuse my unlady like drooooling on the screen.....What an awesome looking mill!!
3 years ago
Welcome John! Excited you are here, as many others are as well!!! I have been hearing lots about elderberries and started researching.
I decided after this posting that I wanted to make sure I got a copy of the book!! I purchased one!! Thanks for posting your site so I could buy one!!
4 years ago
Affiliate link worked without issue!
Watched ....Awesome Sauce!!
Sure wish I had seen this before building the small one in my garden 2 years ago!!!
7 years ago

Cassie Langstraat wrote:I've had a few people report that the PDF gets downloaded as corrupted.. anyone else have this problem?

anyone downloading it successfully?

Thanks Cassie for your reply and help getting here! After many tries,I just now downloaded a copy of pdf and opened it without an error message! Thanks again!