To borrow a phrase from Monty Python: " And now for something completely different"
The Keshe Foundation has released the plans for the lay person to make a plasma reactor. Released last week on you tube and titled "KFSSI Blueprint Teaching Week"
Here is the link:
there are a total of 10 you tubes for the week on how to do it yourself.
This particular reactor design is capable of producing 2.2 KW but is capable of producing up to 10 KW through use. Please watch the first YouTube get an understanding of what I just wrote. This is the output ceiling set for reactor for the general permies. They will make 10 MW design plans available for businesses, Municipalities and governments. They have shipped a large number of manufactured reactors all over the world starting on Monday Oct 26th so the cat is out of the bag.
I have just got the materials to start winding my coils.I am so excited, this is a game changer.