Maurice van der Molen

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since Feb 27, 2014
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Working and living in Amsterdam combined with a life off the griid on our 4 acres property in Ardennes, France. There we run things mainly to improve ecology and have some permaculture food production. No domesticated animals so I'm enjoying to do 'the pigs work'.
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Recent posts by Maurice van der Molen

Paulo Bessa wrote:Paul, Fred, Maurice,

Where could I get hold of the Multicaule Perennial Rye?

Hi Paulo. I've just read your posts. I still have some available from my original box (read, besides the kilogram I save for my own garden. You are in Austria so that shouldn't be to difficult.
It's a pity that Sepp is so mysterious about it. Have you tried to contact his son Joseph? Joseph at Krameterhof. Maybe he sells it... that's maybe the easiest way.
8 years ago

Cody Gillespie wrote:Im all for keeping old seed lines going but im not understanding the major benefit of using sepps particular seed. .....

Hi Cody.
There are some advantages:
This grain is specially suited for infertile difficult soils and rough climates and not necessary for high yields. It's also a nutricious dense rye, so allegedly more healthy.
Another pro: it has a root system which can go very deep into the subsoil, up to 3,4 yards, creating carbon pathways into your soil and bringing up nutriënts from deeper layers. So even if you don't eat any of it, that makes it worthwhile.
It's hight, up to 8 feet, makes it suitable for making sheafs (so your crop can have a slight natural fermentation, which is better and healthier for the digestion) and it also leaves you a valuable long fibre for all sorts of crafts.
It also looks nice and impressive in your fields...
8 years ago
After some intensive searching I recently have obtained a box of this exclusive grain from a source in Germany who got it from a farmer who has been producing it for about 8-10 years with original seeds from Sepp. They call it Secale multicaule or Waldstaudenkorn.

This is what I found out:

Sepp's mysterious rye is the species 'Secale multicaule Kühn et al. 1974'. Taxonomically this is not correct and derives from Secale cereale var. multicaule Metzg. ex Alef., Landw. Fl.: 338 (1866).
This is nowadays not an accepted name. It is simply called Secale cereale but that's also stupid in my opinion because that's the name for all ordinairy rye species. So Joseph Holzer was right when he said "it´s a variety of Secale cereale"
The common use though is Secale cereale var. multicaule

In German it's mostly called Waldstaudenkorn (Wald = forest, Staude = perennial herb, Korn = cereal) or Johannisroggen (St. John's Rye, because it is sown around St. John's Day).
(Ones I knew the name I could even find it on the German Wikipedia. à
Other names: Urroggen, Sibirisches Urgetreide, Sibirischer Roggen, Sibirisches Urkorn or Waldstaudenroggen.

Sepp Holzer calls this ancient grain (=Urkorn) 'The Grandmother of all rye' (Großmutter de Roggens). It has been used in Slash-and-burn farming probably for thousands of years and it was sown without ploughing.
Also hunters used it in a mix for small mountain vegetable plots in the woods.

Years ago a german farmer obtained seeds from Holzer and started cultivating it as a pioneer project and he is now growing it locally in 'small' amounts (2,5 acres).
There are several farmers in Germany growing it these days so it is on the march. It is not certified for seed selling, allthough it is allright selling it for making bread as far as I understand. It is hard to get it due to the small production.

Some more background information and growing instructions from the farmer:
Source: Pflanzebau & Technik -

He prefers to sow in the spring and than mows it twice the first year (or let sheep graze on it). Then the plants get strong and the next year he harvests in autumn. This increases the harvest with 30%.
Other farmers mow it as much as three times before letting it come to full growth. After harvesting the plants die.

Sepp's own instructions can be found in The rebel farmer (page 270 of "Der Agrar-Rebell', I only have the german version)

Well, that's all I found out so far…

My personal rye stock:

Other sources:
9 years ago
No problem... although the first time I succeeded as well
Version 11 is the latest IE version and 11.0.17 are very recent updates. Good luck!
They still look funky... so is the Diatomaceous Earth page?!?!

I checked it in Firefox and Google Chrome and they work well there so it's an internet explorer thing.
I was watching the articles Cassie redesigned recently on (DE, Cast Iron & Flea comtrol) just to see the results but in Internet Explorer it looks like something went wrong. At least on my computer. All these pages have large amounts of white spaces and are endlessly long to scrawl through?!?!? After reloading it get's even more funky...

Kevin MacBearach wrote:When you say 'spread it around," do you mean to the garden, or pasture?

I mean you can use your Original patch to innoculate other woodchip patches or even try innoculating places where there is a lot of woody (carbon rich) mulch such as your garden maybe.
You can also add fresh straw to your patch each year to keep it going.
But if you can get more woodchips you can grow a good cash crop of Wine cap mushrooms while at the same time you're composting the chips in your garden.
10 years ago

Kevin MacBearach wrote:Oh wow! That's a whole new side of farming to me. Looks very interesting. Is that solid mulch? Is it all coniferous?

It's a mixture of spruce, pine and fir, mostly shredded spruce christmastrees (only clean ones without sprays) and there were probably some chips from broad-leaved trees already on the spot. Some additonal fresh straw will also do, I usually put on a layer of wet fresh straw first. The mycelium also needs some soil microbia in order to grow... mixing some compost will do.
The Wine caps (also known as King stropharia, Garden giant, Godzilla Mushroom) are usually not difficult to grow. And once you have a settled patch, you can spread it around as much as you like.
See also: Wood chips and King Stropharia >> on the forum.

10 years ago