Eric Karlsson

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since Apr 11, 2014
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Hello Lana

The pollution that you are adressing is certainly a concern.
I have a place in southern Sweden since 2005.

It is in a forested area not far rom a small town with a few shops, bank and busses.  

I may sell and move on in the future or share it.
There is a forest garden with ca 100 fruit trees and 150 berries. Nearly 100 varieties of perennial vegetables and medicinal plants.

There is fiber optic for internet and telephone (and my policy is that mobile phones should be switched off).
You can see a bit more on read the "About" page and you can message me there.

If you give me an email adress I can send you more information.
5 years ago
I have made an Facebook page with pictures
I intend to but in older pictures from 2005 and forward later when time allows.
At this time of the year there is apples, grapes, raspberries and veges including, Brassicas, greens, tomatoes and zuchini.

10 years ago
Allen, if you seld me a email from we can take it from there.
10 years ago
Yes it is a food forest. There are some pictures on go to gallery. This includes peach and grapes. I can put in more pictures later.
10 years ago
The place is situated in a quiet area surrounded by mixed forests with trees like beech, oak, birch, hazel, rowan, pine, spruce and others.

The house is built approx. 1850. It has a woodburner with electrical heating option and also a new air pump as a cheaper electricity alternative. It is approx. 115 m2. Downstairs have two rooms, two halls, toilet and shower and a kitchen. Second floor has two bedrooms, a hall and a toilet with bath.

There is also a garage, two sheds and a new insulated cottage of 10 m2.

The property is 3300 m2 with an edible garden consisting of over 50 fruit- and nut trees, about 100 berry bushes and wild and cultivated vegetables and herbs, many of them perennials. This includes apples, pears, cherries, plums, nashies, mulberry, peaches, hazels, Japanese and common walnut, medlar, black, white and red currants, gooseberries, Siberian and American blueberries, buckthorn, service berries, tayberries, blackberries, grapes, kiwi, cranberry, strawberries, goji, European cornel, autumn raspberries and arctic bramble. There are also many edible wild plants and wild and cultivated flowers, two greenhouses and hot beds. It is possible to be largely self-sufficient on foods. Surrounding area complement the food supply with wild blueberries, raspberries, mushrooms and more.

It is 3,5 km from the closest town Lönsboda with shops and a bus every hour to Osby with train direct connection to Malmö-Copenhagen. Travelling time to Copenhagen is two hours 15 minutes.

I started off the garden with only an apple tree in 2005. Due to that I spend much time in other places I am now considering selling or renting out or maybe sharing for the right person.

Please make contact for more information.
10 years ago
Yes I am for a Scandinavian region too!
10 years ago