E Murphy

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since Apr 15, 2014
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Recent posts by E Murphy

Hi Mike, Awesome offer. Awesome area, the Oldest River on Earth. Hope you received many personal msg's. Same here, Everything but more time in the day. Ideas? thats as far as most go, I guess....99 seconds to Midnight.
3 years ago
who wants to Farm?  Permies know no retirement
3 years ago
Established , Diverse, expansive, tractors & Equipment. Best Mkt is on farm paying guests, dinners, parties. Some town sales. Help needed fixing buildings, care for milk and milk goats, have machine, rabbits, feeder pigs on whey. Daily General beatification, weeding, watering, deer permit. Lotsa water and Irr systems. Why not?  send questions. Thanks, Best, Rose
3 years ago
Hi Cole,Sorry, Just now saw your reply. Or did we chat? How does rour garden grow? Im still here, growing. Best to You
4 years ago
Hi, Thanks for your interest. Many cultivars are from Germany or Russia. Here, in Blue Ridge Virginia, last frost mid May, first frost mid Oct. Occ highs of 33-35C, very humid, lots of rain. winter never cold for long. Grows very well in dry air, moderate climate of pacific North West. A Freind had a hard time establishing here. can get quality bare root plants but hate to loose after  much care & $$
4 years ago
Greetings, Anyone fruiting Sea Buckthorn in Humid east zone 7? varieties? German or Russian? Thanks
4 years ago
Winter is Permie season ! Where are you? Established permie gardens, Vegies, berries, medicinals,Goatey Dairy, Rabbitry, working on  to BnB biz.great market. write me w your questions. Thanks
4 years ago
Greetings All, Yes, Never Farm Alone. A Farm is an epic of input. I have been seeking Working Farm Partners for profit share.  Biological time does not give a paycheck at the end of the day. Plant potatoes at the right time,  in a few month's, you can eat them. in 4-5 month's,  cash  trickles in. One needs to live dept free, and have multiple streams. to start and  wait that out. I think thats a common snag. Near the city is good for sales but not good for enduring Earth Changes. Here, only taxes & eleclectric/ph bills plus parts, Insur, fuel costs. On farm biz and product almost cover that. Takes a Village to Farm. Nuclear families stifled our ability to cooperate. Too many cooks. Do you have an example of egalitarian community?  Thanks for your posts
5 years ago
Greetings Sisters, Me Too., Homesteading in Virginia. Where are the Land Dykes? Lots established here, can feed a Tribe. Building it, awaiting you coming. Peace to All
5 years ago