Mercury Lawless

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since May 01, 2014
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Recent posts by Mercury Lawless

I've noticed it's very difficult to find simple information on building codes. I've also heard enforceability of codes is entirely subjective based on who's in charge. Maybe try contacting other sustainable builders or contractors in the areas you're interested in? They may have a better idea on what flys and where.
9 years ago
Hi Tara! My name is Mercury. My partner and I are looking for a similar situation, however we're not going to be able to move for 2.5 years while we save up money. We're currently in Arkansas and plan to move to Portland at that time. We're really interested in trying to find people of like mind to get started with when we get there! I'd love to exchange ideas with you. Feel free to message me.
10 years ago
This is a really old topic, but just in case anyone was looking for this.... The people at windward are a polyfidelitous line family. I spoke with Andrew Schreiber over e-mail for a while and he's very nice. If that's the kind of thing you're looking for, they are looking for new members I believe. It wouldn't really suit me, but the people are very nice to talk to and their community seems pretty successful.

Here's their website:
10 years ago