L Allen wrote:I think they taste quite different too. In fact, I grow about six different thymes and four oreganos, and they're all very distinct.
Hugo Morvan wrote:Last year i had loads of red mountain spinach, i, let them spread their seeds, we've had some frost, this year hardly any came up. It's mysterious.
I need these plants. Because spinach in summer is very nice thing to have, they shade out plants that will suffer in summer like lettuce, which will bolt and then start flowering immediately. I'd like to give the lettuces some protection. Grow the lettuce as a partnerplant. These Orach seem to have a deep tap root like system, or they are very good teaming up with some mycelium, because they always seem ok with their leaves in shape.
A friend gave me another variety, thicker leaved, it almost seems like a double layered leaf when squished. I've saved all the seeds, kept them in an envelope dry inside and seeded them in a balcony tray, watered fine, almost none came up. Apparently i've missed some while collecting, because outside there were a few that did pop up.
It's really puzzling. It's not as simple as they need a period of frost and they'll pop up.
Maybe they need deep frost?
I hate buying seeds, because i want to have a plant which is adapted to my locality.
What is it with these seeds??
Michael Cox wrote:If you can get hold of it, look into sainfoin. It is a nitrogen fixing legume but does not have any of the bloating problems of clover/alfalfa. It also has a very long flowering season and make a lot of nectar for your local honeybees!