Todd Curtis

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since Jul 22, 2014
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John Elliott wrote:

Todd Curtis wrote:I really don't think it is working. The B12 says sublingual then swallow. I am wanting to know if under tongue is a good way, then spitting out like mouthwash? I want to see the best way to absorb the herb without upsetting my stomach.

Vitamin B12? That has to be absorbed in the stomach. People that have had their stomachs removed need to have monthly injections of vitamin B12 because they can't get enough from their diet any longer.

Yes I do the B12 injections 2 times a week. But I am wondering if Ginseng, Ginko, and most herbs can be absorbed in the mouth or skin? The herbs that don't need to be processed in the stomach?
10 years ago
I really don't think it is working. The B12 says sublingual then swallow. I am wanting to know if under tongue is a good way, then spitting out like mouthwash? I want to see the best way to absorb the herb without upsetting my stomach.

My tintures are made in a pint jar, half filled with the dried herb, and then the whole pint filled with 80 proof vodka. Then set in a closed cabinet in an extra room with the ceiling fan always on high since it is summer, 80 degrees in the room at all times.
10 years ago
I have a real sensitive stomach and it can't take most herbs. I know tinctures you put under your tongue and hold it there. Will I get all the benefits if I put under my tongue for about 10 minutes the spit it out? I am mainly doing: Ginsing, Ginko, Valerian root, Lemon Balm.

Thank for any help
10 years ago
Do not use just gasoline when thinning WVO. It will tear up your Fuel pump and gum your injectors. You need to use 50% WVO, 40% Jet fuel (Go to you local airport and tell them you need it for an RC Jet), 10% Gasoline. NEVER use diesel to thin it. Make sure you add Acetone about 5% total gallons made, and I added Diesel Clean per recomm on bottle. The Acetone will bond the WVO, Jet A, and Gasoline, or it will separate.

I have run WVO on my Cummins 5.9, and a friends 7.3 pre 2001 for 5 years and in the summer, I would mix this. We took apart our injectors one day to increase high performace, and they were cleaner than when we ran diesel. Make sure you do not run this blend all the time. Run pure WVO heated to 160 degrees before the injectors, and your engine will love you.

I am now working on Algae, since places are not giving WVO for free anymore.

BTW if you have a diesel post the EPA idiots for emissions in 2002, you are going to be doing alot of repairs. Post 2002 are just gas engines that run diesel fuel and are not made for oil.
10 years ago