Nick Hummel

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since Aug 28, 2014
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Recent posts by Nick Hummel

Hello Kyra! I have a permaculture farm on the Big Island of Hawai'i with a food forest that has over 200 fruit and nut trees and many perennial edible plants and herbs. I am exploring the potential of bringing on work traders this year and was excited to find your post. Most of what I need help with is caring for the food forest and working in the fruit tree nursery. I am also finishing a community kitchen and living area that will allow me to host campers, travelers, and farm residents so there will be opportunities in hospitality as well. If you're interested, shoot me an email at and maybe we can set up a time to chat. Thanks!
4 years ago
Would you be open to a couple doing this? How much is the pay and how long would we be working for (length of stay and hour per week)? What would be the accomodations?

9 years ago
Looking to start a permaculture farm in North Florida, land is very cheap there, the property we're looking at right now is $875 and acre for a 40 acre property. We are looking for other people who want to join us in this endeavor. The idea is to have a large scale permaculture farm on the whole property, and then each individual or group that buys the land with us will have their own acre or two to homestead and do what they please. There are massive advantages to this property. For one, its $875 per acre, you could even purchase one acre with us if you'd like, the more people the better. Think about it, that's such a small amount of money to own land for the rest of your life and be able to build a house and homestead. Escape the debt trap and live free! The property is also a wetland, so there is massive amounts of water, the idea is to do earthworks to build out ponds and control the flow of water, think about the fertility and possibilities of this! Aquaculture opportunities abound! Also the climate is incredibly warm and allows for year round growing.

I have worked on permaculture farms for free, worked on organic farms for minimum wage, and still don't have my own land to see my vision through and have security for the rest of my life. I'm ready to make the leap and I need other people who want to do the same. Contact me for more info.
9 years ago
HAHA that's true.. I hope he likes to cuddle
10 years ago
Hey Joe, sweet house and rocket stove! Unfortunately I am looking for some place warm, but best of luck to yah!
10 years ago
Hey Everybody!

I'm looking to move to a major metro area down south in the next few weeks. Right now its between Austin, California (LA or San Diego), or Florida (Miami or Tampa). I'm hoping to find a symbiotic living situation where-by I can camp on your land in exchange for my permaculture farming knowledge and labor.

If you have land near these areas and are looking for someone to help get you started in homesteading or need help on a farm you already have up and running, then I'm your man.

A little about me: I'm 24 yrs old and have worked on 3 different permaculture farms as well as 2 organic vegetable CSA's. Currently I am completing a growing season at New Forest Farm, the farm of world-renowned permaculture instructor Mark Shepard. My job here has been wholesaling green peppers and acorn squash to Organic Valley.

I am primarily looking for a spot to camp in exchange for 20-30 hrs of work. Preferably, I would like to be expanding my homesteading skills and growing nutrient dense crops for the both of us, and maybe keeping some
chickens for eggs. Trying to market produce is fine and all but I'd like to move away from trying to farm for a living and more towards farming for self-sufficiency. If you share in my desire to grow nearly all your own food, then we could make a great pair. My years working on organic and permaculture farms have given me more than enough skills to do this.

I'll cover the work, you let me camp on your land in exchange, and we both reap the rewards of the harvest.

I'm also open to doing whatever work you may happen to need, I'm not totally tied down to self-sufficiency farming so let me know what you need and we can try and work something out.

So, who wants to work together?
10 years ago
I have an idea for a website that could be very helpful for the permies community and I wanted to get some feedback on it.

The idea is to have a website that people who wanted to buy land for permaculture could go and find others who were looking to the same. The site would allow people to search for others looking for similar properties (location, climate, acreage, etc.). Once you found people looking for similar properties, the site would allow you to pool your money collectively to be able to purchase bigger and better properties that they wouldn't have been able to afford on their own. In this way, someone who could originally only afford to buy 5 acres could now be collaborating on a purchase with someone looking to buy 100 acres. As an example, let's say after pooling their money they are now able to afford 120 acres and can now collaborate on site development together instead of doing it all on their own. The site would also offer legal help in terms of signing documents dividing ownership of the land and whatnot.

I'm also thinking that the site could match people with no money who want to do permaculture with wealthy individuals who want to support permaculture projects. This would allow for more permaculturists to get started farming a piece of property and for people with money to benefit from owning a piece of property that produces healthy food for them and their family.

What do you guy think about this? Would you use this service?

10 years ago