10 Podcast Review of the book Just Enough by Azby Brown
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Tim Day

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since Oct 24, 2014
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My wife and I have 70-80 acres in southern commy Illinois that we need some help with. We're willing to give some to a Christian family that has some experience with permaculture and are like minded. Not 100% sure what we want to do, but our grand children are in Tennessee and we miss them bunches. message me if you are interested or have need of more info, or helpfull info for us! thanks again!
6 months ago
Sorry so long getting back. I didn't die or even get sick after eating the fermented wild greens. I let them ferment about a week, on the counter in the kitchen before trying them. I just did a simple, no spice, only a little salt, mix. I didn't read the instructions as good as I should have ( imagine that!) and didn't shred the greens as fine as I should have. It tasted pretty bland and texture wise resembled eating soggy paper. (don't ask how I know what that is like.) I really am impressed with the opportunities this opens up. It took me a week or so to use them all up, but we got it done. Next time (next week or so) I want to try more types of greens, chopped finer, and a little more spice. Also am going to try pickling wild garic with some recipes I picked up on line.
1 year ago
Alright, I've taken garlic scapes, onion seed stems (don't know if you call them scapes or not), two different kinds of dock, and two different types of plantain. All wild, and have started to ferment them. This is (according to the recipe) time to put them in a jar to ferment for a week or so.  They didn't have quite enough juice, so I tried a little kumbucha I've made up to top it off. So in a few weeks I'll be able to report back on the taste. (If I live!)
1 year ago
Alright, you all are making me hungry!! John that page really has me incouraged to go ahead and try this. Hopefully this weekend I can get something started so we can find out if I live or not. Thanks everybody for all the comments!!!
1 year ago
Not really sure if has been tried before, but is it possible to make a fermented (like Kimchi) type of food using wild greens . I'm thinking of using Dandilion, sour dock, curly dock type of greens. I think my wife will get mad at me if I kill us by accident, so want to be safe, not sorry!
1 year ago
Grandson is a week old today, mom and baby both doing well. My son is on paternity leave from the military, to take care of DIL because of c-section. Been trying to get him out of the military and here on the 80, to take care of his mom and I, in the lifestyle I want to grow accustomed to (and so I can have all the grandkids closer). So far the pay is better where he's at than anything around here. (Can't believe they get paid that good!) We've got 80 acres that is pretty much either up or down. If I find a good market for chiggers, ticks, and turkey mites I'll be set for life. I've got mulefoot/red wattle cross hog that I call the "Black Amish Mafia". (They're real gangsters!) They roam the 80 , and pretty much do what they want, till feeding time when they get shelled corn dumped on the ground. Been wanting to get started with food forests, and other permaculture  stuff that my tired old brain can't think of names of right now. I've got a neighbor that is trading  a couple of their irish dexter heifer calves for some of our swine and my labor, so I'll be able to have milk. Anyway, enough for now , it's getting past my bed time and I've got work tomorrow. GOD bless!
2 years ago
Having trouble getting a hold of my DIL, will keep trying , but should be able to do 7/27. Looking at eating options.....La Fiesta is a possibility and , or  Clubhouse Grille. Never been to either place, and know nothing about them , except they were highest on the list.
2 years ago
I usually don't work Wednesdays, But I may have to "that" Wednesday. ( Grand-baby being born and all!). Will check with favorite DIL and make sure. Try to have more info by tomorrow.
2 years ago
It was great to meet and greet today, hope to do it again!
2 years ago
I'll try to be there with bells on! (not really bells) LOL
2 years ago