Paul Adrian

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since Dec 21, 2014
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Sasaskatchewania, Canuckistan (Zone 3a)
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Recent posts by Paul Adrian

paul wheaton wrote:Try it now!  Devaka says I accidentally fixed it!

2 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

Jane Lewis wrote:1. "Access to a secret forum" (p. 14) brings me to --> Oooops.. You don't have sufficient privileges to access this forum

Is anybody else having this problem?

Jane, any chance you weren't logged in?

I can confirm, definitely logged in, same error.
2 years ago
I've attached a screenshot of how the bullets look in SumatraPDF.
They look just as large in ReadEra and Moon+ on Android.

OBJ squares still there as well.
3 years ago
Downloaded file 01/22/2022

I did some digging on the above issues as I'm seeing them as well.

- the OBJ squares (  ) are actually IN each XML file and could likely just be mass removed.

- The "Featured Sand Badge BB" for Chapter 22 is still showing  "Cook with a Cast Iron Skillet" (same as Chapter 21).  image-41 and image-47 are the same.

- The lists show up as bullets in some readers, numbers in others, and even not at all in my Windows ePub reader - It looks like each bullet point is in it's OWN ordered list (numbers) instead of just a single ordered or unordered list.
3 years ago
Hey there.
I responded to the survey back in November with my Vimeo name (keypunch). For some reason I'm still getting the "Sorry, we couldn’t find that page" message.

I am logged in to Vimeo when this happens.

Gary Grata wrote:Had several issues with extracting .zip files after using the diskinternals zip file repair utility. Damaged, corrupt, missing, some extract properly, others just parts & pieces.

Yeah it can be hit and miss based on how mucked up the file gets on the way over.

paul wheaton wrote:
We have had zip files and mp4 files in the past that a lot of people had trouble with. I wonder if this is something that we should run on all of our zip files before posting them.

I highly doubt that it would help, since repeated downloading attempts does seem to eventually fix the file. If the source was corrupt, that couldn't happen. I'm no expert on it, but to me it seems like the files are being corrupted on route, or being corrupted on send by the file server when under heavy load.

Imo A fairly cheap hosting alternative would be to use something like amazon s3 for the peak give away times.
Arg, the errors have begun. The vegetable sound system zip AND the rocket mass gob both finished corrupted and unable to be opened.

Don't re-download! Try this first:

1. Go to and download (it's free!)
2. Install and run the tool on the affected file
3. Enjoy!

I am not affiliated with this company / tool, but I thought there's got to be a better way then redownloading 10 times. I've used other disk internals products with good success. There should be no spyware / adware / cr*pware in the tool.

There WILL MOST LIKELY still be a broken file in the archive (for me it was a pdf in the vegetable sound system file), but at least you can open the archive, and unzip it to see if you need or care about that file!