Jason Tillman

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since Feb 02, 2015
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Recent posts by Jason Tillman

If you can get black cherry or black walnut, both grow very well in northern Michigan, which I'm told has a very similar environment to Finland.
8 years ago
I'm interested in learning... pretty much everything everything about homesteading and permaculture. My motivation for seeking knowledge in these areas is because I have been working and struggling to make a way for myself but the only future I can see along those lines is working for someone else my whole life just to survive, without being able to guarantee a future for myself or my descendants. Discovering permaculture has given me a great inspiration and hope, and I want to learn everything I can to prepare myself for when I can get land of my own and make these dreams a reality. I am particularly interested in animal husbandry and living and farming sustainably. Coming from a position of "hands-on ignorance" like I am, it's hard to pinpoint specific skills to prioritize because I'm interested in them all. Everything you've mentioned sounds good to me. Where are you at in Ontario?
9 years ago
Krystina - I am in Michigan currently, but your Virginia property sounds like a great opportunity. I am strong, healthy, and very willing to work. However, I have no experience in agriculture outside of small scale gardening. I have some experience with heavy machinery and I'm smart and a quick learner, very ready to help and do whatever is necessary and learn whatever I need to know.

Alexander - I sent you a PM, I'm interested in getting involved.
9 years ago
Thanks for your response, I had heard of WWOOF but I was under the impression it was mostly short term. I will definitely look into it further if there are long term opportunities. I think that there is value to and definitely a place for short-term, but I think true understanding and insight is gained best with long term immersion and observation which is why I am seeking a longer stay.
9 years ago
Hi all, I'm 24, hard working, intelligent, and very ready and willing to learn and work. I have no agricultural experience other than small scale home gardening, but I learn quickly and work hard as I already said. I live in Michigan currently, but I am willing to travel far if necessary. I am very passionate about sustainable living and permaculture and have been relentlessly working my way through whatever literature I can lay my hands on, but nothing beats real-world experience and getting your hands dirty. If you need labor and are willing to train and teach me I guarantee you will not be disappointed, I have a good work ethic and am not a quitter. I have few financial resources available to me, so I would prefer a work-to-stay arrangement, or something similar. Thank you for reading and please get in touch - Q.S.T
9 years ago