Dan Eisner

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since Mar 24, 2015
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It’s definitely a question of structural vs the unknown.

The dual brick wall, soft inside hard outside definitely go all the way up to 2nd floor.
Large floor joists held in place by interior brick.

The hard side brick has fallen away from the arch between the lentil and arch. It seems to be weight on the center post, but it has been shimmed.

I’m not sure how I could re-support the arch with a new full beam? Trying to figure it out  
4 years ago
Much appreciated
4 years ago
So in other words, maybe
4 years ago
Nothing that would directly effect the integrity of the brick underneath the arch
4 years ago

Much appreciated! The wood is just nailed on for ceiling nailers. It is flat but if you think of weight distribution pushing down and out it could be self supporting? I’m not sure
4 years ago
Additional pics
4 years ago
Thank you for your input!

This is the 1st floor of a 2 story brick farm house. The lentil you describe is a log rounded on top and cut on bottom and sides. There appears to be weight on the vertical post but I’m also certain it was all installed for door framing.

Just trying to be certain it’s self supporting as it is a 2 story home and a ton of weight potential
4 years ago
We have a 6’ Segmental double brick wall arch and it has an old wood beam. We are trying to determine if it is self supporting or not.

Please see attached pics
4 years ago
Kelley! Are you out of your mind lol

I have to say I’m definitely in on everything you said except the communal thing. I like my real seclusion and the ability to acquiesce with nature and a beautiful woman hehe

Anyway, I’m definitely looking to build and retire or retire and build so let’s talk  
6 years ago