Nicholas Laan

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since Mar 31, 2015
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Recent posts by Nicholas Laan

sorry more questions than answers here too.  I have heard also that there are flax strains more for the seeds and others more for the fibres.  Is this true?  Are there in between varieties that do an ok job of both?  And If I am working in small urban lots does growing flax for fiber make sense?
4 years ago
I believe I read somewhere that the fluff from the seeds used to be used in things like pillows and life jackets.  Have never heard about more of a spun fiber that you could weave, that would be interesting.

4 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

Nicholas Laan wrote:I used a different email for the Kickstarter too.  Same address but at gmail.  What do I have to do to tie it to this account?

Click on "my profile" at the top and then "email preferences".   Scroll down to the stuff about "Add secondary email" ....

Thanks, it worked
I used a different email for the Kickstarter too.  Same address but at gmail.  What do I have to do to tie it to this account?
I think something is up with the rss feed for this one.   I got the episode in my podcatcher but it doesn't download the audio file.  It shows up as more of a post.  I managed to get the audio by visiting this page.