lisa mcqueen

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since Apr 12, 2015
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Recent posts by lisa mcqueen

You are that what you wanted?
2 years ago

Antonio Scotti wrote:Hi,
I am looking for 1 or 2 photos of some well designed urban backyard (or frontyard) with a description of what's in there and maybe a bit of history of the place
for a Urban permaculture course that I'll be teaching shortly. Ideally, climate-wise, photos of a mediterranean yard would be great but any temperate
climate yard would do.

Also, the ideal photos would have not just plants but other interconnected elements
Would anyone be willing to share theirs? Credit to authors will be included in the presentation of course.

2 years ago
Hi Patrick..

Im interested in the same..white female just turned 54..from Montana but reside in N E is Lisa. Been looking for a homestead partner of my age and ability..
2 years ago
I Would LOVE ONE! how do I put mass on a 1940's pier and beam home that can barely hold a modern appliance? I am a single female with limited knowledge please be kind!
2 years ago
I am divorcing also...and the wise person who said it is usually more than just a job..I absolutely correct! My husband says on a constant basis..."i would choose you and our home over work" has just become another way of saying..." i really wont so dont push it"...I have been strung along for 8 years now...he really doesnt want to homestead...he really wants to always make more as that is where he spends his time...our life was supposed to be about self reliance...the year by has always been about something else..never ending something elses...I finally woke up to the fact that it was always my dream and he just went along with it so he wasnt alone..I am now 46 and starting over...I am very excited actually...I want love and a best friend..someone that holds dear..all of the simple things in life...dont jump head first into an agreement you are frustrated with will only get far as a job? If you really want to job will ever pay for all you will need unless you are Bill begin with...besides..half the fun is thinking outside the box and finding the one who will treasure hunt with you since you cant afford all the big new toys!
9 years ago