jay wong

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since May 04, 2015
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Recent posts by jay wong

Jeff Bou wrote:Can someone help me ... I'm trying here.  I simply cannot understand what happens between step 6 and step 7.  Step 7 clearly shows that all flow from the rocket stove riser is completely blocked from the cook top.  I just can't visualize the actual gas flow since all the pictures show a circular / semi-circular brick wrap around the pot which would block flow to the gas top.  I see how the flow gets to the pot, but flow beyond that point is very unclear ... how does the heated gas get to the stove top, how does it flow within the stove top chamber and then how does it get to the exhaust?  I can make guesses but the book clearly shows all flows being blocked so I'd just be guessing.  Can anyone help clarify?

I agree. These 3D design drawings don’t show size of brick. How many layers. Doesn’t show the inside of the brick oven clearly as they are building the design of bricks for the stove. What type of hot plate did they use for the pot?
It says to watch the other free heat video which I don’t have access to. Unclear instructions.
1 year ago
Hi, was wondering what your best practices in crowd funding are, as you've had a few successful ones. I've backed a few of them as well.
6 years ago
Can pemmican be sustainable?
9 years ago