Roy Sullivan

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since May 06, 2015
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Recent posts by Roy Sullivan

Hi all

I own the URL I've had it for a few years but didn't end up doing anything with it.  Happy to pass it on for $100. Please DM me.
9 months ago
Hard to beat a TED talk on tying shoelaces

Although this teenager reckons she could!
2 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

Roy Sullivan wrote:Think your claim about it cutting it down on oodles of energy from yucky sources might need a line of math/ evidence to support the claim. (E.g when it comes to household electricity bills - heating is the biggest amount)

Hmmm ....  

Maybe we need a graphic that shows "the average american carbon footprint" and then an american map that has a big blue zone on the colder parts and then a second footprint graphic that says "the average cold climate american carbon footprint" showing that heat is FAR bigger.  And then do the same thing but say "the average cold climate american greenhouse gasses footprint (due to methane leaks from natural gas)" and then yet another graph where the heat is with a rocket mass heater.  ??

I like this! You could also make it a simple column graph. 2 & 3 could be collapsed into column. Putting it in dollar terms as well will help reach a wider audience. I like how you expressed it in your backyard book re: whether you believe in climate change or not - this is a much more efficient use of resources.
2 years ago
Looks good, Paul. The only thing I saw was the phrasing of the blurb that Sonja picked up. I think you've answered the questions:
'why rmh?'
'what is an rmh?'

but think you can maybe amplify  'how can i get or build an rmh?'

Think your claim about it cutting it down on oodles of energy from yucky sources might need a line of math/ evidence to support the claim. (E.g when it comes to household electricity bills - heating is the biggest amount)
2 years ago

Andrés Bernal wrote:Option 2:

I like this more
2 years ago
Heading and blurb suggestion:

Reduce your carbon footprint and increase your luxury

Easy Rocket Mass Technology to reduce your wood usage by 1/10th
Reduce your carbon footprint and increase your luxury

The easy way to become a rocket scientist and use 1/10th of your resources.

2 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

The trick is the candy.  We offer heaps of candy because we do it in a way that we can hand it out en masse.  But to offer it again and again ...  suddenly it isn't as easy to do.

Hmmm ... I thought occasionally you had packages of content for  a single price. In any case - I'm very skeptical that it's not easy. You're Paul Wheaton - you know, the guy who learned C and saved a company in a weekend.

paul wheaton wrote:

I do like the bit about "instincts" ---   I think that will probably be the final decision.   I am fishing for other bits and bobs I have not yet considered in this otherwise odd decision.

Actually - one thing that pissed me off a long time ago. Once was I was listening to your podcasts every day - and you didn't promote the kickstarter there so I missed it because I wasn't hanging around the forums/reading the emails. (Not bitching or complaining - just an expressive way of suggesting that you promote on all your channels).
2 years ago
1. I think you've done enough kickstarters to be able to trust your instincts on this.
2. I think a 2-week kickstarter will still get funded, but whether it's the same amount/more/less - you'd have to wait and see
3. I agree: how to retrofit a fireplace is an awesome idea!
4. You could double dip and set up a 'kickstarter anniversary' price - so for 48 hours - people can get the same kickstarter deal (or say +$20) - that way if someone misses out because of a their pay cycle etc, they have another chance down the track.
2 years ago

Lol "shooting for two hours"

I think it will be challenging to compress something into two hours.

I thought you were punning
2 years ago