Laura Rutherford

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since May 24, 2015
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Unama'ki/Cape Breton, NS
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Recent posts by Laura Rutherford

I've been both model and participant, the first waaay back in the mists as a teenager at an arts high school in Toronto (taking that robe off the first time was the hardest thing I'd done to that point and maybe since) and then I took classes at OCA (later OCAD). Much later, classes at Sheridan College and then when we moved to Cape Breton, I started modelling for a collective in Sydney, when a friend here invited me to alternate weeks with her. We have very different body types and approaches to poses, so it was a welcome change for the artists in the group. On my non-sitting weeks, I'd draw.

In my experience on both sides of the easel, generally in a class that length there are a dozen or so 30 - 60 second gestures for warm-up purposes, then some slightly longer (5 min) poses and then 1-3 longer poses. Often this is discussed among participants and models will also sometimes invite suggestions. I imagine payment will also be made clear.

You're doing well with the conte! I like working with it for life drawing, charcoal too. We used paint in a couple of classes I did, which was fun, but I think you're right to stick with the conte, at least to begin. Most classes/studios have easels, my favourite was the very first class I modelled for; they had donkeys which you could sit on or upend and stand at - like to find a design for that and make one! If you're not sure and want to use an easel, bring yours (I would). I prefer not to use good paper for these sessions and usually stick to cartridge pads, 18x24. Fun to experiment with white, newsprint, toned tan and gray.

I wouldn't worry about being seen as "competition," whatever your ability, which looks quite promising. I'm not a pro and may never get there, but have spent plenty of time with "real" artists. It's not a competetive sport and most, who are also real, live human beings, are encouraging of each other and especially of beginners. At least ones who don't already "know" everything... And you strike me very much as someone not in that category. A little humility goes a long way in life, eh?

Take some deep breaths before you go in, think of 17 year-old me taking that robe off for the first time and have fun! Look forward to seeing more of your work.

3 weeks ago

I also wonder if the background and foreground would be more harmonious if some of the colors of the tree were worked into the background, kind of like this:

a very quick and dirty photoshop for the general idea. I'm sure Andres would do a much better job!!

I just made another layer in photoshop and changed the hue of a few boarder areas. I didn't spend much time thinking about what colors would look best in which places, and I didn't color very well in the lines. I just wanted to be able to see it, because my mind is terrible at visualizing things!

I like where this is going very much. I like purple pie, but it doesn't work for me in a card. Greens and maybe sepias work best to this eye.
6 months ago
Just seeing this now - there has been plague in the house.
Can I blather on in the videos à la, "here is the woodstove; notice all the wood piled around it in an attempt to get it dry enough to burn", "here is a candle guttering from the wind howling down from the highlands right through the walls", "here is the thermometer", etc, etc? Is that the sort of thing yer after?
Not horribly keen on being in front of the camera, but boy, can I blather!
1 year ago
Thanks John and Thomas!

I'm leaning more than ever to the 6t, 1.75hp model, since it already has a foot pedal. No broken wrist here, but with my track record that last few years, it's nice to have options, haha!

You don't mention any issues, Thomas, but if you had it to do again, would you opt for the one you got or one with more splitting force?

Thanks for your help - I appreciate it!
1 year ago