Amber Adler

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since Jun 09, 2015
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Have twenty acres in Missouri. Love gardening, hiking, and river exploration.
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Dixon, MO
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Recent posts by Amber Adler

Hello Gregg-

Your plans look good! I have a 20 acre spread. Looking for people with skills wanting to start a community. We are in the beautiful Ozarks in Missouri.

1 year ago
Recently acquired 20 acres of trees with a 2400 sq ft brick cottage. Two shops,  two ponds and three acres of tillable land. All lifestyles welcome. The position is for two people. Seeking a partnership. Time and resource investment required.
3 years ago
A few article screenshots about the role of mycellium in Chloride negative ionic uptake in plants. I'm not a biochemist, but it seems like binding the chloride in plant material makes the saline soil inert.
7 years ago
In West Africa, beans are ground into flour. Then mixed with water, spices, and wood Ash. The mixture is spooned into banana leaves and folded to cap. The leaves are placed in a pot with small water and steamed for an hour. A lot of foods have toxins before cooking: rice, plantain, casava, nuts, some fish, and even corn can be fatal. The most interesting secret to cooking beans was the addition of wood Ash. Also known as "ken-wah", the wood Ash is added to foods to remove toxins, speed cooking times,  and increase digestion (eliminating gas). Each tribal kitchen has a secret wood Ash recipe. People walk miles just to purchase a specific ken-wah from a specific kitchen. When I added ken-wah to pot of beans: I could cook them in twenty minutes with no soaking. All natural been-o from one of the most hostile climates on the planet.
7 years ago
This is a read-along discussion, as I understand. So I will just follow and make a few comments. I've written about and researched the subject extensively. There are factors in play that have a lot to do with social change, developing interests, legal framework, poverty, and definition of the healthiest way to restore the earth's forest versus making the earth a giant food plantation. If you get the funding: PLEASE DO IT. The developing world follows the money and right now we CANNOT drink the water, and the lumber is being cut and sold to meet the needs of the developed world without being replanted in climate critical areas that surround the world's largest deserts.
The issue has a lot to do with land tenure, who owns the tree, who guards the tree, and who really cares when people are hungry.
So please... be a carbon farmer. If you have any questions, some of the world's top carbon fund managers are in my circle: please ask. My company has put together an extensive carbon farming plan for Africa, but there is no funding for the developing world. (Except for a few GMO interested researchers, me, and maybe Jeff Lawton: who really knows the Sahara can be reforested?) Personally, I love the Venus Project for this plan...that is the idealist in me. Practically, people love the personal satisfaction of the addiction of capitalism: carbon farming appeals to that type of human nature and makes capitalism a little more socially responsible for tapping the economic value of carbon trapped energy.
8 years ago
We could spend a lot of time ranting about the inadequacies of COP21, but I am happy to see that permaculture voices have taken the scientifically correct high road to creating planetary solutions.

This has got me thinking about a worldwide yearly conference of permaculture people that includes an online platform like this one for people to submit policy problems and cultural changes for suggestion and action.

We could do a lot of regional action based on permaculture activity, but include the voices of the planet and pool our resources like never before to act locally to solve specific problems that permaculture addresses. I see people doing this in the creation of large farms and forums like this one.

Would anyone be interested in a yearly climate related event?

I am sure many of us could use help in reaching local people and governments to bring our solutions to the dirt.

Some examples could include media packets, door to door campaigns, how to organize civil societies, motivating people to live sustainable lives through permaculture, local sanitation solutions, etc.

For example, I am working on a separate project for Marine Litter Reduction that includes collecting some of the trash laying all over Africa. People are actually cursing at me because only by my act of collecting trash is inspiring kids to help me. Parents have an attitude that they don't want their kids to work in farming or sanitation and would rather starve and live in their own trash. The COPermaculture could address third world issues by bringing education local solutions that make those industries more attractive.

Thanks to all of your replies and insight: I have been attempting to navigate the Adsense ocean for a few days and came up with a few rules:

Unless you are on blogspot, you must own your site or pay for a plugin.
Adsense won't start paying on a blogspot blog for at least six months.

Chitika is the service I signed up for on my new blogspot: they pay through paypal.
It was easy to insert the javascript into a blogspot blog in the gadgets of the layout section.


Wordpress doesn't permit the use of plugins on their free blog service. They also strip javascript.
For (only) $99 per year you can use plugins for a store or ads.
(I chose to download the xml for my past blog posts and re-load them on a new blogspot.)
Too bad for Adsense, they have to wait six months for my clicks.


The CafePress Widget appears broken. I really don't know how to fix it. Google doesn't either and gives me a message saying the widget is broken. I tried inserting ads into my CafePress Store- it stripped the java.

Mr. Wheaton you are the Java King. Whilst thou lend me the link to your Java Kingdom?
This is all great information. Specifically:

Do I have to host a site to display ads?

How do I insert a banner?

I am okay at HTML so I can figure it out with a intermediate level of proficient direction.

What are my choices for ad sites?

Thank you all for the responses! These threads are really great! (I am uploading my book to kindle now!)
I saw Mr. Wheaton had started his residual stream with adsense banners and hope this is the place to ask everything about how to make them, how to ad them, and how to organize them.
I just went to google adsense to try to add them to my wordpress blog but ran into difficulty with requirements about not have subdomains etc.
So how do I make a banner for my blog and can I get around the requirements?

This is a great topic. Love you for this Mr. Wheaton.
Hello Permies mates! It has been a few months since I could chat with you all! Phew! We have been busy.

We are pleased to announce the supporting projects for building the New Industry School through our We The Trees Campaign. The proceeds of the campaign will directly fund the building of the school, and create the NGO for other project activities related to permaculture, organic agriculture, renewable energy, and nutrient cycling.


We are very excited to bring Permaculture to Africa!
We appreciate your support in our mission to end hunger from soil degradation and unsustainable economic practices of left over dirty energy influences!

Please visit our WeTheTrees campaign where you will find links to our website and many rewards levels in appreciation for your donations!
9 years ago