Yampah Starr

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Recent posts by Yampah Starr

Making hummus without an electric tool

Run fully cooked garbanzo beans/chick peas through a food mill. Then mix in the other ingredients.

I have my grandmother's two Foley food mills (larger & smaller, with red wooden handles) that were probably new in the 1950s or so. Food mills are a great, nonelectric, multipurpose scratch cooking tool.

Here is a link to pictures for a visual reference for anyone not familiar with a (vintage) food mill:
8 years ago
Quick start summary at end of post
It has been known for ages that the underlying cause of all dis-ease is imbalance.

The future of medicine, which is already here, is energy medicine.
The future of energy medicine, which is already here is The Body Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson.

The Body Code is a brilliantly simple, brilliantly complete system of quickly identifying imbalances in the body, most of them energetic, and releasing them quickly and easily.

In 25 years of practice as a chiropractor and energy medicine specialist, Dr. Nelson has determined that the underlying cause of 80–90% of human pain is the disruptive, unbalancing energy of trapped emotions. A major component of The Body Code is The Emotion Code.

A few tidbits about Dr. Nelson that Paul may appreciate: Dr. Nelson was born and raised in Great Falls, Montana; on his way to becoming a chiropractor, he trained and worked in computer programming. The Body Code is a marriage of chiropractic, energy medicine, and computer programming.

Here is a fairly short video showing The Emotion Code system in action:
Emotion Code example by Dr. Nelson Bradley - YouTube [11:39]

Depression Hurts. The Emotion Code Can Help. - YouTube [1:00]

Following are links to an assortment of good webinar videos. Watch any or all of them to learn more about The Emotion Code and The Body Code:
Improve the Immune System with the Body Code and the Emotion Code - YouTube [1:18:05]
Body Code and Emotional Code Self Healing. - YouTube [1:29:28]
Body Code (Emotion Code) Relieve Back Pain Webinar - YouTube [1:20:22]
Body Code and Emotion Code Knee Pain Webinar. - YouTube [1:26:10]
Everything You Need to Know About the Heart Wall - YouTube [1:10:15]

Following are links to an assortment of interesting interviews with Dr. Bradley Nelson. Watch any or all of them to learn more about The Emotion Code and The Body Code:
Unblock the Power of Your Heart featuring Dr. Bradley Nelson - YouTube [1:12:26]

Dr. Bradley Nelson - How Your Trapped Emotions Are Causing Sickness & Disease - YouTube [1:26:30]

Beat Emotional Eating & Chronic Fatigue with the Emotion Code - YouTube [1:22:14]

Charlotte McGinnis discusses the Emotion Code with Dr. Bradley Nelson on 20 May 2012 - YouTube [1of2] [37:13]

Dr. Bradley Nelson showing the Emotion Code Technique 20 May 2012 - YouTube [2of2] [24:47]

Dr. Bradley Nelson Emotion Code Originator - YouTube [Julie Coraccio] [1:02:12]

The Body Code with Dr. Bradley Nelson - YouTube [Julie Coraccio] [56:07]

The following Web page explains The Body Code in detail. It includes a thumbnail of Dr. Nelson's history. Something that is not included there but was elsewhere (maybe in an interview) was that the alternative doctors whom his parents took him to when he was 13 were Osteopaths practicing manual medicine and that his kidney dis-ease was caused by a spinal subluxation that was impinging on the nerves to his kidneys.
Body Code | A New Breakthrough in Natural Healing

There are lots of resources on this Web page along with the link to sign up for a free introductory consultation:
Dr. Bradley Nelson

Staff bios and descriptions of the types of sessions offered:
HealersLibrary.com | Services

Map-based listing of certified practitioners worldwide:
HealersLibrary.com | Global Practitioner Map

Get the Starter Program for FREE!
Part way down the left side of this page is a place to sign up to get the Starter Program free:
* The Emotion Code eBook, 
* AudioBook (a set of 10 mp3 files of Dr. Nelson reading the entire The Emotion Code book), and 
* pdf files of the Chart of Emotions, Trapped Emotion Flowchart, and Heart-Wall Flowchart.
This will put you on Dr. Nelson's e-mail list and you'll be sent links to download the above-listed materials.

There are three levels to this system:
Level 1—The Emotion Code (the Starter Program, a portion of The Body Code)
Level 2—The Body Code (the all-encompassing system)
Level 3—T3 Therapy, aka Three Dimensional Therapy, Core Belief Therapy (a specialized technique for getting at a particular type of mental energy that tends to keep people deeply stuck that is now a portion of The Body Code)

Here are links about T3 Therapy:
An Introduction to T3 Therapy - YouTube [7:50]

Three Dimensional Therapy takes energy healing to a whole new level! [origination Web site]
Three Dimensional therapy / Interview with Gwen Legler and Leilani Alexander - YouTube

This video gives a glimpse into where this work will take humanity collectively:
HealersLibrary.com | Anne Horne’s Near Death Experience [10:40]

Quick Start Summary:
Request a free introductory Body Code consultation:
Upper right corner of page.

Free Starter Program:
Part way down left side of page.
Receive The Emotion Code eBook, AudioBook, and Flowcharts all for free.

Due to the urgency of Paul's situation, my recommendation is:
Schedule a Distance Body Code Examination (30 mins)
This service is designed for those who are suffering from a major health problem or have experienced a serious decline in health. It is a complete evaluation of the body performed by proxy over the telephone with a Staff Practitioner, which includes testing for the presence of structural imbalances, low-grade pathogens, nutritional imbalances, toxins, all organ and gland circuits, trapped emotions, and the Heart-Wall. We will also determine how well your immune system is functioning, how well your brain is communicating with your organs and glands, and how well your heart is communicating with the rest of your body. Includes a complete written report of findings and recommendations for future care. This is the same examination used by Dr. Nelson for many years in practice as he worked with people suffering from mysterious and “incurable” illnesses. This is a 30 minute telephone appointment, and does NOT include any releasing or correcting of imbalances. (Regularly $297, Sale Price $237)
8 years ago
Citrus peel oil is excellent for killing mold.

CitraSolv is formulated for cleaning:

Citrus Solvent is formulated as a replacement for mineral spirits, paint thinner, or turpentine. It is 98% pure orange peel oil and 2% water.

One way I have used CitraSolv in the kitchen is to clean plastic containers that got lost in the refrigerator long enough for the contents to become a "science experiment." After emptying the container (for compost), soak container in dish water for 10–20 minutes to which a couple of good squirts of CitraSolv have been added. Most containers will pass the "sniff test" after washing and air drying in this manner.

CitraSolv is also a nice addition to laundry—helps to remove mustiness.

Citrus Solvent mixes well with (boiled) linseed oil.
8 years ago
Here is a link to an excellent, in-depth, five-part article; focused in Texas, but applies everywhere that there are feral pigs, at least in the US:
The Feral Pig “Problem” – Introduction | Circle Ranch

per Joel Salatin:
Farrowing crates are not all bad. They can serve a useful purpose. They can be implemented in a range of ways from more to less humane. They have been spotlighted by animal rights organizations such as PETA, while conveniently putting much less attention (if any) on the vastly larger inhumanity and utter insanity, on all counts, of hog (and all) CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations). This is one of many, many examples of how our attention gets focused on the wrong target and the wrong "solution."

In the first clip (link below), Russ Kremer talks about why he switched from being a pork CAFO operator to a pastured pork producer and some of the differences in those two types of operations:
FRESH the movie |  Video Clips

I disagree with your assessment, "that's civilization." The mess that the world is in today did not happen by accident or by any random, "evolutionary," self-generated or self-propelled process. It has all been engineered very deliberately, following a very malevolent master agenda.

To better understand this, see:
Episode 310 – How Big Oil Conquered The World : The Corbett Report [12/28/15; 1:11:26]

For even more understanding and an interlude of calm sanity, see:
Soil Not Oil Conference ~ Dr. Vandana Shiva Keynote Speaker - YouTube [46:20]
Rethinking development in the 21st century - Vandana Shiva at the Governance Innovation Week 2014 - YouTube [46:14]

To fully understand the source and implementation of the malevolent master agenda, see:
Almost 7 Hours David Icke Non Stop - Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More - YouTube [15 May 2010 Brixton Academy; 6:55:09]

The difference in price between "cheap" industrial CAFO pork and integrity, local, pastured pork is due to deliberate manipulation of all sorts as part of the above-mentioned, very malevolent agenda. The same applies to all of the industrial pseudo-food system versus the integrity food system. When all costs are accounted for, including the worldwide annual $400 billion in subsidies (with 365 days in a year, that is over $1 billion per day, all taxpayer money), industrial pseudo-food is by far the most expensive.

We humans are endlessly creative. As we wake up one by one, assist each other in waking up, understand what the problems really are, solutions are plentiful. Life on this planet was designed by Creation to be abundant and joyous. Scarcity and all the negativity—the inversion of abundance and joy—have been created artificially. We can, step by step and bite by bite, return to abundance and joy.
8 years ago
Lifekind organic mattresses and bedding

They are currently closing out showroom models and discontinued mattresses up to 63% off.
All mattresses come with 20-year warranty.

The site has lots of useful information in addition to their merchandise. When doing cost analysis, remember that we spend about a third of our lives on beds and sleep time is healing time.
9 years ago

evan l pierce wrote:Day 55

droopy purple flower

This is a Clematis, probably Blue Clematis (aka Western Blue Virginsbower), Clematis occidentalis (Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae) or Rock Clematis, Clematis columbiana. I should note that some sources seem to consider these to be just one species (http://montana.plant-life.org/index.html).
9 years ago

evan l pierce wrote:Day 43

another nother flower

This little cutie looks like a False Rue Anemone, Enemion sp. (formerly Isopyrum sp.). There are five species on the USDA Plants Database list, and none of them are known to grow in Montana, according to their data. Obviously, this little cutie doesn't care about that and seems to be growing quite well.

Evan, I again encourage you to seek out a local botanical expert for a proper identification for this plant, too, as this appears to represent a range extension. By the way, is anyone compiling a complete list of the flora and fauna found on the Wheaton Labs property?
9 years ago

evan l pierce wrote:Day 41

another flower

What a beautiful Calochortus sp. (Lily family, Liliaceae). Common names in this genus are Mariposa Lily, Naked Star Tulip, Cat's Ear, and Fairy Lantern, depending on the conformation of the flower. If the common name for this species follows the conventions, then it would be a Cat's Ear because of the hairiness of the interior of the petals and the general shape of the flower. Having checked several online sources (including the entire USDA Plants Database Calochortus species list), I have not arrived at a species identification for this beauty. That leaves me to guess that it might be a naturally occurring hybrid, a rare species not on most plant lists, or possibly an undescribed species. The Calocorthus genus includes a number of rare to very rare species, some of which have their entire wild world population confined to less than a square mile in a single location. The two closest matches I found are listed below, though neither is that good a match and neither is known to grow in Montana according to the USDA Plants Database (though I have found that database to not be that complete with regards to full geographic ranges).
Calochortus lyallii, Lyall's mariposa lily (http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/cgi/img_query?enlarge=0000+0000+0506+3470)
Calochortus tolmiei, Tolmie star-tulip (http://plants.usda.gov/java/largeImage?imageID=cato_013_ahp.tif)

Evan, I encourage you to seek out a local botanical expert for a proper identification.
9 years ago

evan l pierce wrote:Day 40

another unidentified growie

Pretty flower and a nice photo, but as you'll see by the common name, not edible and, in fact, is highly toxic: Meadow Death-camas
(Lily family, Liiiaceae), Zigadenus venenosus (http://montana.plant-life.org/index.html). "All parts of this plant contain the poisonous alkaloid zygadenine, which some claim to be more potent than strychnine. One bulb, raw or cooked, can be fatal. Poisoning results from confusing these bulbs with those of edible species."
9 years ago

evan l pierce wrote:Day 35

another kind of plant

After learning the basics of identifying plants in bloom, the next steps are paying attention to the buds, leaves, and the fruits (seed pods) to identify them when they are not in bloom. This is a fairly distinctive leaf and would be Sticky Purple Geranium (Geranium family, Geraniaceae), Geranium viscosissimum (http://montana.plant-life.org/index.html).
9 years ago