Jura Rafal

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since Sep 21, 2015
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Recent posts by Jura Rafal

Chris Kott wrote:
So realistically, the "safe" uses involve encapsulation, probably underground.

the same strain of bacteria that causes raw hay to ignite does the same to scrap tires.
That it why landfilling is strictly prohibited.
I can not imagine the size of the caverns needed to accommodate the amount of S.T.

Chris Kott wrote:
Controlled incineration can be extremely efficient and produce no dioxins. There is also much promise in high-heat, oxygen-free pyrolysis for breaking down and reusing chemical constituents.

Yup you are right as to incineration and pyrolisis. but..
costs. (think not only of operative ones but of those transportation of scraptyres to the site, too)
Economy is what makes pyrolisis  hard to apply as a daily-basis solution.

Incineration in cement kilns is effective but.. it influences cement quality thus rendering cement plants to use no more than15% of the yearly produced amount .
New generation of flue gases cleaning  installation  behaves poorly having to deal with such high impurities concentration. (maintenance costs)

Waste incinerators can not add more  5 mass percent of scrap tires to their feedstock for emission reasons

Costs are still prohibitive.
(well...as long as Quwair allows the whole world to cheaply dump their scrap tires in their deserts (the world biggest scraptyres dumpsite).
Where  it ignites every 15 years)

Pyrolisis plant generates a lot of operational costs and regardless the process being  auto-energetic ( and possibility of coupling with steam-energy generators), the products are hardly salable thus causing the cost balance sheet to be negative. :-(

Consult Mr. google for Syntoil company.
It has found a way to increase their income.
Which may prove their installation operation being economically viable.
They managed to convert the waste  coke into pure soot.
A product highly sought on the market.
Moreover they claim their installation is portable.
I cross my finger for & keep my eye on them.

Let us see each other in the zerowaste world. :)
3 years ago
It is not about judgment harmful or not.
The issue is quantifiable.
Leachates from scrap tyres may be highly noxious to human if he is permanently exposed a source of high concentration.
The issue is we do not know what possible reactions of de and re-composition are possible to occure  in various environmental conditions.

Tiny example.
It took decades o find out what was killing trouts in Canada.
It turned out it was the allegedly safe antioxidant agent p-Fenylenodiamin 6PPD.
after it got oxydised it was converted otno  chinon 6PPD a poison to aquatic life
We are unsure but seems fungi are capable of decomposing tire using hydrocarbons while transporting all heavy metals into parts of its hyphae thus creating ares of high concentration.

BTW. I follow  GDT on facebook. Unfortunately Having asked them about hourly dioxin emissions from pyrolysis process I got no any answer.
It is worth of reminding it was Australians who first started building artificial reef from scrap tyres which was supposed to be a solution to landfilling.
the process of removal was pretty costly to a taxpayer
3 years ago

Gerry Parent wrote:Do know though that other brands of ceramic fibre products other than Morgan Superwool may not have this same low bio persistence rating.

I checked the mean fiber diameter  of the superwool products.
Its ~2.5 - 3.4 µm while those posing serious hazard to lungs are  of 0,01 µm.  
For 100% sureness it would be cogent to get know if the diameter of fibers present in flue gases hasn't decreased significantly (due to abrasion).  
Still we must acknowledge that such a diameter ranks the fibers in the PM2,5 - PM10 range.
4 years ago
I do like the idea of both the 5 and 6 min risers but..
I'm pondering over fine particles emissions from the ceramic fibre .
As far as I know they are  of the size of those from asbestos and thus being equally harmful.
4 years ago

Peter van den Berg wrote:Last night the total of unique visitors of the site exceeded 150,000. At the same time the total views counted 409,777. It took 14 months to go from 100,000 to 150,000.

Long life exponential growth!

Peter van den Berg wrote:  I am lagging behind myself with the publishing of the Double Shoebox Rocket developments

As most of PL translation of the battchrocket.eu  are my words, I feel obliged to  continue with translation of the DSR II  "longish art". (unless anything untoward happens)  

Peter van den Berg wrote:I am going to conduct a workshop in Belgium, from 1st through 7th of May.

Gosh! so called "long polish may weekend". This  period has already been scheduled :-(

4 years ago

Nicole Alderman wrote:
Jura, check out Joe Jenkin's post HERE. It looks like you might be able to read it for free?

Nicole! Thanks so much!  

My whimpering was more about not wining the hard copy of the book signed by His Majesty :-)

Joe was even so kind to provide me with one chapter of the book (of a special interest to me) before the book was published.

I translated ( OCR-ed, and converted to MOBI/EPUB  )  most of the III edition of the humnanure handbook available in PDF.

Happy humanuring in the forthcoming 2020!
5 years ago
My congrats to the winners!

I'm jealous ;-)

Auuu! *(whimpering)
5 years ago

Al Marlin wrote:. One of my major Xmas gifts was my "new" humanure toilet. It was all made from salvaged materials (chair with broken wicker seat from the dump, 5 gallon bucket from the Chinese restaurant and plywood seat left over from other projects).

My honest congrats for this  zero waste setup.
I  also had  such "chairy"  contraption, but my toilet  room 1,5x 1,5 m being equipped  with bath tube ,"normal" toilet and washing machine could hardly contain it. and now newly installed sink has occupied all the room for the toilet chair .
Anyway ... saw dust was often spilled around.
5 years ago
As far As I can remember from my 20-years-ago-classes the hair creatinine has a strong propensity for absorbing heavy metals due to tiol group pesence  ( te -SH group
with excellent chelating properties).
Thus their concentration in hair can  be as much as 50 times higher  than in blood and urine.

5 years ago
My issue is how to drive the leaves into dry bone state.
I'd love to use them as a carbon stream (covering material) for my composting  (bucket) toilet.
Unfortunately my  400 square meters garden deos not allow me for much space spree.
I had to even give explorations to the gardeners board and excuse myself for setting up Joe Jenkins style humanure hacienda. (for exceeding roofed area allowance quotas ;-/)
I rake them up as dry as possible  but whenever I create a pile the anaerobic decomposition starts.
Any ideas how to  collect them  amass and  not  to have them started rotting in no time?
5 years ago