Okay, so in another
thread, there's a kind of nodding agreement going on about what we want and don't want from the overarching idea of "technology," which got me to thinking: when have humans abandoned a technology without something "better" coming along to replace it? I don't mean stuff like the Antikythera Mechanism or other various and sundry ancient inventions that we have a record of, but that never caught on in the wider culture, or knowledge/ lifeways lost to colonization, but things that were used for a while and people decided "nah, not for us."
Some examples I can think of:
-Great Lakes-area Indigenous/ First Nations people using copper for blades, but then going back to flint (this happened a few times over the centuries, as I understand it; both seem to have comparable durability and sharpness)
-Roman cement (I mean you lose a lot of things when civilization collapses, but that one seems like it would have been something they'd want to hang on to), same with Chinese mortar used in the Great Wall
-Arguably, chemical agriculture (obviously still in wide usage, but "organic"/ natural/ whatever is on the rise at least)
I know there are way more, but I'm blanking.