Jed Vraiefaux

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since Nov 03, 2015
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Recent posts by Jed Vraiefaux

I was really impressed with the Legacy Blueberry. We had them in Containers (1/2 Quality Potting Soil + 1/2 Peat Moss) and they yielded well.
We were not in Michigan however, we were in Nor. Cal Zone 9. Maybe that info helped someone in Zone 9. Good luck Michigan friend
9 years ago
For optimal yields, it is best to cut the fresh logs in the early spring, after the last frost, when the sugar content of the sap is the highest (Early March in most places). Try to avoid logs that have already been colonized by some other mold or fungus. "Logs should be cut to lengths of 3–4 feet, and are best if they do not exceed approximately 8 inches in diameter" to quote Paul Stamets.

The logs should be immediately placed on saw horses or pallets and kept off the ground to discourage undesirable competing native mushrooms from colonizing the wood. You can also sacrifice two logs that can stand in for the saw horses/pallet (but these are not meant to be innoculated, to be clear). The logs should be left like this for 3 weeks to allow the natural anti-fungal properties within the wood to dissipate. Now the logs are ready for innoculation. For higher success rates, paint heated liquidy natural beeswax onto the holes once you've inserted the plugs.

For more info: Paul Stamet's outfit (Fungi Perfecti) at:

Every act of self-sufficiency is a revolutionary one.
9 years ago
Most likely Suillus Brevipes given the short stem. One of the more palatable slippery jacks in my opinion.

Self Indulgent Editorial Note:
There is enough food in the world to feed 100 billion people (scarcity mentality has been drummed into us all, snap out of it!) Millions of pounds of mediocre tasting mushrooms are waiting to be harvested, flavored, seasoned and appreciated. Let's feed ourselves and the poor, whilst thumbing our nose at the fascist food cartels. Death to the existing order.

9 years ago
Upon closer examination, the smaller ones have too thick of stems to be sulfur tufts. It would seem that they are all honey mushrooms.
This experience has 3 lessons built into it:
a) The power of suggestion: The previous post said sulfur tuft, so that's what I saw (I might have concluded that anyways to be fair, honey mushrooms are strikingly similar from above when young). Group think is particularly dangerous in politics and mushroom hunting
b) The need for up close stem and gill photos. Spore print photos are nice also. Spore prints ARE A MUST for your own purposes if you plan on eating anything and are going the self-taught route
c) Mushroom collecting requires extra patience. I am fully self-taught from books (no mentors or classes). A good rule is to FULLY 100% ID a mushroom and then wait until the next season before attempting to eat it (at which point you FULLY 100% ID it again)

PS If you are Midwest/East Coast I highly recommend Gary Lincoff's Books
9 years ago
Way too much in one picture. Multiple photos (above/below/side) for each variety/species please.

The three mushrooms at the bottom right (4-5 oclock on your plate) maybe genus Laccaria , need to see the top of the cap to know for sure.

The previous post was correct: earthstar (9 oclock), puffball (12 oclock), Panaeolus sp (7 oclock)
Your Amanitas are most likely a variation of Gemmata (Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)
9 years ago
The previous post was almost certainly right about the small ones being sulphur tufts (inedible). I would disagree that there are 3 distinct varieties of mushrooms however.
The second to last photo is most definitely (100%) two clumps of Honey Mushrooms (Armillaria genus). One of them is totally rotten.

The larger shrooms at the base of the tree next to the sulphur tufts appear to be very large weathered Honey mushrooms as well (this part I'm 95% sure).
Honey Mushrooms are edible but the taste varies (mediocre to really good) depending on what type of tree it is parasitizing.
The stems are tough and peel like string cheese. Often people will only harvest the caps. This is a good mushroom for beginners who have done a little homework (reading field guides).

A note to novice Mushroom hunters: please send us a photo of: a) the gills up close and b) the stem, above view isn't enough.

David Aurora is the Bees Knees for the record and one of my heroes. His books are worth their weight in Gold.
9 years ago